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I just bought this and downloaded the app. I wanna play episodes or any game like this but when I downloaded them they said the integrity couldn’t be verified. I trusted the app in my profiles but it’s still not working. I tried all games like this and they all say the same thing and don’t work so did I just waste 34.99 or is this just temporary.


The message you're receiving is revoke related. This means Apple has revoked the certificate which was used to sign the apps with so they can no longer be installed, or opened if you previously downloaded them. This happens quite often but we have other ways you can install your apps when the normal iOSGods App is revoked.

Until the iOSGods App(+) is working normally, please read our "How to Install Your Favorite Apps when Revoked" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/164953-how-to-install-your-favorite-apps-when-iosgods-appapp-is-revoked/

Updated by Rook

Is this a scam seems like the kind of question you should ask BEFORE you toss out $35.


That said. iOSGODS is most certainly not a scam.  It is the best community of iOS users I have found to date.  As a noob, which I'm assuming you are (there's nothing wrong with that, we were all once noobs), you aren't familiar with how it all works.  So here you go, I hope this helps. I put the basics in layman's terms the best I could.


1. iOSGODS offers a paid appstore, a free appstore and a VIP for premium apps and hacks.  VIP apps can be accessed through the free store provided you paid for VIP.  They typically have VIP in the title.  When you attempt to install, the app will verify you paid for VIP and then allow you to install.  You will then "Trust" the app in settings and launch the app provided that the certificate is not revoked (see #2).

2. All apps require a certificate that relies on apple's servers to authenticate the installation and use of said app from Apples AppStore or from a Developer installing to test out their app.  By having a certificate and using it to install and sign an app, Apple determines that the app is safe for install.  That it was either installed from the AppStore or by a Developer and is safe.  Certificates are either Developer certificates used in AppStore games and apps, or for personal installs by the Developer for testing.  Or they are free certificates given to anyone with an AppleID automatically upon sign up.  As you might guess free certificates have their limits.  iOSGODS hacks apps and games and makes them available for install in either a free or paid capacity as listed above using a Developer certificate or an Enterprise Certificate (essentially the same thing).  Apple from time to time figures out that iOSGODS is using said certificate to allow individuals to download and use hacked apps, so apple revokes that certificate so that it can no longer be used to install apps.  That is why your VIP isn't working.  iOSGODS then has to get another certificate to use which may take some time.  Once they have one, you can resume installing free and VIP apps.  Once apple finds out again, they will revoke the new certificate and the cycle starts again.  It is a constant cat and mouse game. 

3. Sideloadly is a brilliant app available here on the site.  It will allow you to use a PC or Mac to install apps on your phone or tablet using your OWN certificate (the free one)!  How nice!  You simply must download and install Sideloadly onto your PC or Mac and install.  The apps you install using Sideloadly must be decrypted and in .ipa format.  So it makes sense to search iOSGODS for the apps you want and download them directly from here to your PC or Mac as they will be decrypted and ready to go.  This is a great place to start your search for any apps or games you might want. The apps you install on your device yourself with your own certificate will only last for 7 days before they stop working.  But do not fret! And do not delete them!  Simply use your PC or Mac to once again sideload the app and it will be good to go for another 7 days, save game intact!  You can do this with up to 3 apps at a time.  But possibly more, see #7. Any questions about Sideloadly or just more information on how to use it can be found here.

4. You may download VIP apps from this site and install them using Sideloadly yourself as you have paid for a VIP subscription.  You do not have to wait for a new certificate to be found. 

5. Depending on which iOS version you are on, you may be able to install an app called Trollstore.  Trollstore will perma sign your apps so that you do not have to do it every 7 days.  I recommend going here to see if you can install it as it varies depending on which CPU your device has.  As older devices can use TrollStore with the addition of Checkra1n down to iOS 14.  But newer devices generally require iOS 15-15.5 beta 1 - 4

6. You may also search the web for an app called Blacklist or Whitelist.  Which when installed will fix the certificate revoke.  Example:  You download a VIP game and a regular free game you want from the free app store.  2 days later the certificate is revoked.  Bummer! Simply open Blacklist and tap Fix.  Blacklist will restore functionality and it will be as if they were never revoked provided that Blacklist itself is still signed on your device and you havent forgotten to update it every 7 days! 

7. There is an app called WDBRemove.  Again, depending on what iOS you are currently running on your device, you may be able to install this app.  It will change the maximum number of installed apps at one time from 3 to 10! How grand! Although some users report being only allowed a maximum of 7.  I myself am limited to 7 after using WDBRemove. 

8. Blacklist, Whitelist and WDBRemove all rely on either the MacDirtyCow exploit or the KFD exploit.  So you will need an iOS of 14.0 – 16.1.2 for MacDirtyCow.  And iOS15-16.5 and an A12 cpu or newer for KFD.  Either exploit will be able to use the mentioned apps.  Also if you are on one of the iOS I mentioned, then you can take advantage of apps like PureKFD or Cowabunga which allow you to change the look and even icons of your apple device.  Fun to play with but limited, because as soon as you do a full restart of your device, the customized options disappear until you do it again. Still fun!

9. Any app that you download for install to your device must be in .ipa file format.  I do not recommend searching the web for apps!  Scams and virus's are everywhere.  But take heart! iOSGODS is here to save the day!  With hundreds of apps and games to choose from and reliable hacks and cheats, you cannot go wrong with iOSGODS.com 

10. I truly hope you stick it out with the world of iOS hacking and jailbreaking.  Apples operating system and devices are so beautiful and amazing and have changed our lives for one way or the another.  But apple itself is quite limiting on what they allow these beautiful devices to do.  All in the name of protecting the user, so they say.  But some of us realize that we can be responsible as well as have fun!  That having a little bit more control over our devices is not a bad thing so long as you pay attention and know what you are doing.  So much can be achieved with a little bit of effort.  You will find a very welcoming community here on the site that shares your passion for everything iOS! Android too! More then willing to help with a problem or possibly fulfill your hack request for that one game you just can't beat on your own and welcoming to newbies.  There are many fakes and scams out there, but you have stumbled on one of the good ones.  Take time to browse the many FAQ's on things such as Sideloadly, iGameGod, Decrypted App Store and more, to learn of all the fantastic things you can do with your iDevice and a little bit of effort! Knowledge is power! 

11. Remember to have fun and say thank you!  Real people take their own personal time to fulfill these hack requests and modify games and also to update them when needed.  So a thank you here and there is greatly appreciated!


I hope any of this information was helpful to you in some way.  If you have any friends with an iDevice and you wish to introduce them to the world of iOS hacking, feel free to link them to this post.  If the tea leaves are right, hopefully the day is coming when iOSGODS will be able to operate their own legit AppStore on iOS and all of this sideloading and revoking will be a thing of the past!  But until then, a lot of people put in a lot of time and effort to make sure that we have the freedom to use our devices the way we want.  And to hack a game for unlimited gems if we want to as well lol.  Because who doesn't like unlimited gems?!  Have fun and stay safe.  You have found a good site, stay with it.  If you hear of something new you might want to try and your not sure whether to trust it, just ask and the community will set you on the right path.  The large majority are good people with good intentions.  I hope this helped!  Oh yeah, look up the Saved Game cheat section as well!  There are hundreds of saved games that you can overwrite your own saved game with and have an app that never revokes and is 100% legit, with everything unlocked or purchased and tons of gems and cash!  All of the instructions on how to replace your save with one from the Saved Game section are found in a post at the top of the Saved Game section.

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  • Our picks

    • Modded/Hacked App: Backpack Rush By Noodle Games Limited
      Bundle ID: com.onicore.backpack.rush
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/backpack-rush/id6736857029?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - ADS Ticket

      - Gems

      - Gold

      - Energy

      - Silver Coins [ Merge Weapons ]

      - Summon Coins

      - Heroic Water [ Hero Up ]

      - Meteor Essence [ Gear Refining ]

      - Talent Book +2

      - Core Evo Stone [ Pet Evo Up ]

      - Fish Hook [ Obtain Gear During A Voyage ]

      - Pickaxe [ Mine ]

      - Blueprint [ Outfit Equip UP ]

      - Fragment [ Gear Up ]

      - Fragment [ Pet UP ]

      - Dungeon Keys +3

      - Spin

      - Enemy Status [ HP ATK 0 ] Easy Kill

      - DMG [ Outfit Just Equip & Unequip ]

      - HP [ Outfit Just Equip & Unequip ]

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
      • 26 replies
    • Backpack Rush v1.302.196 [ +20 Jailed ] Currency Max
      Modded/Hacked App: Backpack Rush By Noodle Games Limited
      Bundle ID: com.onicore.backpack.rush
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/backpack-rush/id6736857029?uo=4

      Hack Features:

      - ADS Ticket

      - Gems

      - Gold

      - Energy

      - Silver Coins [ Merge Weapons ]

      - Summon Coins

      - Heroic Water [ Hero Up ]

      - Meteor Essence [ Gear Refining ]

      - Talent Book +2

      - Core Evo Stone [ Pet Evo Up ]

      - Fish Hook [ Obtain Gear During A Voyage ]

      - Pickaxe [ Mine ]

      - Blueprint [ Outfit Equip UP ]

      - Fragment [ Gear Up ]

      - Fragment [ Pet UP ]

      - Dungeon Keys +3

      - Spin

      - Enemy Status [ HP ATK 0 ] Easy Kill

      - DMG [ Outfit Just Equip & Unequip ]

      - HP [ Outfit Just Equip & Unequip ]

      Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
      • 19 replies
    • Modded/Hacked App: Yukon: Family Adventure By Enixan Europe Limited
      Bundle ID: com.enixan.yukon.family.adventure
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/yukon-family-adventure/id6455041311?uo=4

      🤩 Hack Features

      - Gems

      - Energy

      - Items

      - EXP
      • 2 replies
    • Yukon: Family Adventure v1.52.0 [ +4++ Jailed ] Everything Unlimited
      Modded/Hacked App: Yukon: Family Adventure By Enixan Europe Limited
      Bundle ID: com.enixan.yukon.family.adventure
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/yukon-family-adventure/id6455041311?uo=4

      🤩 Hack Features

      - Gems

      - Energy

      - Items

      - EXP
      • 3 replies
    • Parties & Puzzles: Tile Games v7.7 [ +3 Cheats ] Currency Max
      Modded/Hacked App: Parties & Puzzles: Tile Games By Snax Games LTD
      Bundle ID: com.snax.puzzle2
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/parties-puzzles-tile-games/id1587568164?uo=4

      🤩 Hack Features

      - Cash
      - Stars
      - Cards
      • 1 reply
    • Parties & Puzzles: Tile Games v7.7 [ +3 Jailed ] Currency Max
      Modded/Hacked App: Parties & Puzzles: Tile Games By Snax Games LTD
      Bundle ID: com.snax.puzzle2
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/parties-puzzles-tile-games/id1587568164?uo=4

      🤩 Hack Features

      - Cash
      - Stars
      - Cards 
      • 1 reply
    • Modded/Hacked App: Dice Dreams™ By SuperPlay LTD
      Bundle ID: com.superplaystudios.dicedreams
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dice-dreams/id1484468651?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - Coins Max [ Disable Coins When Use Bet Multiplier ]

      - Rolls Unlimited 

      - Crowns [ Only For Card Upgrade ]

      - Shield [ Get Unlimited Rolls ]

      - Bet Multiplier [ Coins + Rewards ]

      - All Task Score + Rewards [ Linked Bet Multiplier ]

      - Next Kingdom [ Build One ]

      - Build Cost [ 0 ]

      - Premium Dreams Pass

      Warning:- Don't Blame Me Banned  Some Time Freeze Reopen Then Works

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
      • 72 replies
    • Dice Dreams™ V1.88.1 [ +9 Jailed ] Currency Max
      Modded/Hacked App: Dice Dreams™ By SuperPlay LTD
      Bundle ID: com.superplaystudios.dicedreams
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dice-dreams/id1484468651?uo=4

      Hack Features:

      - Coins Max [ Disable Coins When Use Bet Multiplier ]

      - Rolls Unlimited 

      - Crowns [ Only For Card Upgrade ]

      - Shield [ Get Unlimited Rolls ]

      - Bet Multiplier [ Coins + Rewards ]

      - All Task Score + Rewards [ Linked Bet Multiplier ]

      - Next Kingdom [ Build One ]

      - Build Cost [ 0 ]

      - Premium Dreams Pass

      Warning:- Don't Blame Me Banned  Some Time Freeze Reopen Then Works

      Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
      • 27 replies
    • Modded/Hacked App: Squad Alpha - Action Shooting By SayGames LTD
      Bundle ID: com.game.missioncrit
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/squad-alpha-action-shooting/id1571487050?uo=4

      Hack Features:

      - ADS Free 

      - ViP Member [ Active ] 

      - ViP PoPup Disable 

      - Gems Unlimited [ Daily Offer ]

      - Elite Pass [ Active ]

      - Elite Pass+ [ Active ]

      - Elite Pass [ Claim Unlimited ]

      - Elite Pass+ [ Claim Unlimited ]

      - Free Pass [ Claim Unlimited ]

      - Elite Pass LvL Skip [ Price -9999 ] Increased Gems

      - Loot Box [ Price -9999 ] Increased Gems

      - Inventory Expand [ Price -9999 ] Increased Gems

      - Inventory Space [ First Open Inventory Then Enable Cheat Next + ADD Then Buy Get Max Space ]

      - Health Max

      - DMG Unlimited

      - Speed Movement

      - Ammo Max

      - No Reload

      - Enemy Freeze

      - Wall Hack [ Move Anywhere ]

      Note:- Don"t Abuse The Hack Maybe Banned I'M Not Responsible 

      Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
      • 15 replies
    • Squad Alpha - Action Shooting v1.7.26 [ +20 Cheats ] Currency Max
      Modded/Hacked App: Squad Alpha - Action Shooting By SayGames LTD
      Bundle ID: com.game.missioncrit
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/squad-alpha-action-shooting/id1571487050?uo=4

      Hack Features:
      - ADS Free 

      - ViP Member [ Active ] 

      - ViP PoPup Disable 

      - Gems Unlimited [ Daily Offer ]

      - Elite Pass [ Active ]

      - Elite Pass+ [ Active ]

      - Elite Pass [ Claim Unlimited ]

      - Elite Pass+ [ Claim Unlimited ]

      - Free Pass [ Claim Unlimited ]

      - Elite Pass LvL Skip [ Price -9999 ] Increased Gems

      - Loot Box [ Price -9999 ] Increased Gems

      - Inventory Expand [ Price -9999 ] Increased Gems

      - Inventory Space [ First Open Inventory Then Enable Cheat Next + ADD Then Buy Get Max Space ]

      - Health Max

      - DMG Unlimited

      - Speed Movement

      - Ammo Max

      - No Reload

      - Enemy Freeze

      - Wall Hack [ Move Anywhere ]

      Note:- Don"t Abuse The Hack Maybe Banned I'M Not Responsible 

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
      • 27 replies
    • (Clash of Thrones: Journey) 클래시 오브 스론 : 여정 v1.0.16 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: 클래시 오브 스론 : 여정 By END9 GAMES Corp.
      Bundle ID: com.end9games.clashofthrones
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/%ED%81%B4%EB%9E%98%EC%8B%9C-%EC%98%A4%EB%B8%8C-%EC%8A%A4%EB%A1%A0-%EC%97%AC%EC%A0%95/id6740763448?uo=4



      📌 Mod Requirements

      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone or iPad.
      - Sideloadly or alternatives.
      - Computer running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier


      ⬇️ iOS Hack Download IPA Link

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App


      📖 PC Installation Instructions

      STEP 1: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see our iOSGods App IPA Download Tutorial which includes a video example.
      STEP 2: Download Sideloadly and install it on your Windows or Mac.
      STEP 3: Open Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS device, and wait until your device name appears in Sideloadly.
      STEP 4: Once your iDevice is recognized, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it into the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 5: Enter your Apple Account email when prompted, then press “Start.” You’ll then be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and provide the required information.
      STEP 6: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 7: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles / VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 8: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.


      🙌 Credits

      - AlyssaX64


      📷 Cheat Video/Screenshots

      • 6 replies
    • (Clash of Thrones: Journey) 클래시 오브 스론 : 여정 v1.0.16 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: 클래시 오브 스론 : 여정 By END9 GAMES Corp.
      Bundle ID: com.end9games.clashofthrones
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/%ED%81%B4%EB%9E%98%EC%8B%9C-%EC%98%A4%EB%B8%8C-%EC%8A%A4%EB%A1%A0-%EC%97%AC%EC%A0%95/id6740763448?uo=4



      📌 Mod Requirements

      - Jailbroken iPhone or iPad.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing.
      - Cydia Substrate, ElleKit, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak (from Sileo, Cydia or Zebra).


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier


      ⬇️ iOS Hack Download Link

      Hidden Content

      Download Hack


      📖 iOS Installation Instructions

      STEP 1: Download the .deb hack file from the link above. Use Safari, Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If needed, tap on the downloaded file again, then select ‘Normal Install’ from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. If it doesn’t install successfully, see the note below.
      STEP 5: Open the game, log in to your iOSGods account when asked, then toggle on the features you want and enjoy!


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Jailbreak iOS Hack Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.


      🙌 Credits

      - AlyssaX64


      📷 Cheat Video/Screenshots



      More iOS App Hacks
      If you’re looking for Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required iOS IPA hacks, visit the iOS Game Cheats & Hacks or the iOSGods App for a variety of modded games and apps for non-jailbroken iOS devices.

      Modded Android APKs
      Need modded apps or games for Android? Check out the latest custom APK mods, cheats & more in our Android Section.
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