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How to return a value to a method using arithmetic operators?

Go to solution Solved by Ted2,

3 posts in this topic

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Let's say I have this method:

private int AmmoAmount(){}; // 0xOFFSET

And I wanted hook it and multiply or add my current ammo amount instead of returning an exact value. How would I do that? Is this how I would do it? Example:

int (*old_AmmoAmount)(void *instance);
int AmmoAmount(void *instance)
return old_AmmoAmount(instance) * 10; // Return whatever my current ammo is multiplied by 10
return old_AmmoAmount(instance); //Just return exact original value

Would that work? Basically what I want to do is using arithmetic operators to change my ammo instead of returning an exact value in the hook like we do return 99999;

@Ted2I am sorry for bothering you, but I hope you help me because you are the only one helping people and the android help section is very inactive

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