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Just as the title states above. This thread was created as a celebration for DiDA promoting me to Super Mod. So THANK YOU! @@DiDA


Here's my story:


Why Rabbits Scare Me


My story begins on a quiet suburbs, along the outskirts of my home-town known as Walesford. I've been living there for about a couple of years now. I moved from the more lively town of Wyatt. It's a pretty nice place, and I've already made a few friends. We mostly liked to shoot videos and record many things. We have even taken up dares amongst ourselves and anyone else willing to participate.


So, during school, we got our first assignment of the year (as it was the beginning of the school year). We were to do something related to nature. It could be anything, the teacher said. So I grouped up with my friends and discussed wildly about what we should do. I suggested we loop a recording of a rabbit dying and place the sound in the middle of the Walesford Forest and see what animals come to check using a hidden camera. We weren't actually going to kill a rabbit. We were going to find the sound of a rabbit dying on the internet. It's pretty scary. Go search it up for yourself.


My friends decided to go for it, and later that day, we set up our equipment in the forest, placing the camera well away from the view of the animals. We placed the recorder down on the dirt and pressed Play. It started looping the sound of a dying rabbit that we found earlier. Much to my amusement. After we got it working, we left the area and got back home. I entered the house and started a conversation with my Dad.

"So, what have you been doing today?" Dad asks

"Oh nothing, just doing my project with my friends." I reply back.

He nods my answer off and continues reading the daily paper. Page 14, on the Sports section I presume. I continue my journey upstairs, where I took a shower, changed my clothes and did some of my extra homework. It bored me to death, but I had to do it if I wanted to pass school.


A few hours later, it was already night, but I decided to go check out the recorder in the forest. I took a flash-light and my phone, just in case something happened while I was gone. So I exited the house and went into the forest. After a couple of minutes walking through all the trees, I found the recorder, and sure enough it was still looping the sound. "I shouldn't have checked. It was working all along..."

I checked the camera to see if it had captured anything. There were some photos of deer, a few birds pecking the recorder, and there was even a snake. There was a rustling noise coming from behind me.


I quickly swooped back to see where the noise was coming from, but nothing was there. The rustling had stopped so suddenly. It seemed very spooky to me, but I just told myself it was probably  a hedgehog walking through. Although, admittedly, after I left, I did hear a scratching noise emanating behind me after leaving the area. I ignored it. So I went back home and flopped onto my bed. My dreary conciousness led me to fall asleep.




It's half past midnight. I was sound asleep in my bed, dreaming of all of the things I could have been dreaming about. Suddenly, I was awoken by a shrill, deafening screech that shook the bed. I was up in a cold sweat, heart beating extremely fast as the sound pulsated through the room. It didn't stop for some reason. It sounded familiar, though. Could it be? It sounded exactly like the loop of the rabbit dying. The sound was distorted, though, like the recorder was broken or something. But I do not understand how the noise is able to reach the house, as it is far away.


I was too scared to get out of bed and wake up my parents, so I stayed up through the night until the sound stopped. I didn't dare go back to sleep.


It's  7 AM, and I got out of bed, tired after not sleeping. I shifted my attention to my parents as soon as I got downstairs. Their eyes were baggy and they were pretty slurred, so I'm positive that they heard the noise as well. But when I asked them about it, they didn't answer and simply walked away. Later that day, I went to my friends' house to ask them if they had heard the sound as well. But they claimed to have not heard anything. How odd...


Night fell again. I slowly climbed into bed and awaited the dreadful, ear-splitting noise to fill the room. But nothing of the sort came. I got myself calmed down and went to sleep.


A screech pierced the cold air, and I woke up instantly. It sounded louder and much more frantic than the first one, and more deafening. It reverberated throughout my room, and I finally mustered up the courage to march towards my parents'room. When I opened the door, they were awake as well, listening to the same sound that I am hearing. I just do not understand why the sound is able to reach the house. It makes no sense whatsoever.


Soon, this became a regular thing. The screeching. It was scary and kept me and my parents awake for 2 days now. It's causing so much racket that my mum decided to go out of town for a whole week. It's that disturbing. So I had to sleep with my dad. But for some reason, the screeching every night was progressively getting louder and deviated more from the actual rabbit dying loop. Wonder why...


I couldn't handle the noise much longer, but the noise finally peaked last night. When we were sound asleep, an inhuman noise woke us up. It sounded nothing like the first loop, and it was more lower than I first noticed. It was extremely inhuman, and scared me to the point where I hid underneath the blanket to escape the noise. My dad just sat there, frozen in utter horror. However, the noises seemed to have stopped after that night.


Relieved that the noises have stopped, I walked briskly down the side walk to collect some groceries, when my friend came up and asked me some questions about our project. It was going swimmingly. But then he turned anxious and asked me where his dog was. Apparently, the dog ran away and didn't come back. He usually comes back, so he says. Baffled by this question, I made a hasty retreat to the grocery store, then back home.




So it was the due date of our project assignment. My friends and I headed back to the forest to collect our belongings. But something didn't seem right. The atmosphere was a bit chilly. One of my friends said that he would get our stuff and be back shortly. But as soon as he left, he came back rather unexpectedly. He was motionless, and there were specks of spittle at his mouth. It looked like vomit. His face was extremely pale, and he had a drooped expression. When I asked what was wrong, he simply shook his head and started to rock back and forth, quietly chanting the words "There is nothing wrong, there is nothing wrong..."


I called all of our parents to come down to the forest. They came in a hurry. I asked them to check what was wrong, and they were gone for a pretty long time. When they came back, though, they both looked like they were in disbelief. My dad had blood in his hands, and the other parents were just dumbfounded. I tried asking them what was wrong, but they brushed past me expressionless. My dad called the police, and they arrived very quickly. 




I sat quietly on the sofa of the living room. There were policemen and reporters outside our house. One policemen entered the house and placed a camera on the living room table, and calmly walked out. It looked like the camera we used for our project. It was scratched up and bumpy on a few sides. I took it and skimmed through the photos.


I wish I hadn't looked.


The first few photos were good enough. Animals picking at the recorder, with the occasional snake, rabbit, bird and once a bear. But soon after, the photos got extremely weird. There was a shady silhouette in the background of one photo, with bony arms and skeletal fingers. The next few photos showed the shadow picking up a rabbit, and playing with it. It got pretty gruesome after that. The rabbit was skinned alive and torn in two. And then it got laid on the ground, beside the recorder. The silhouette disappeared.


The rabbit was soon joined by another rabbit, killed in a similar fashion, 2 owls, a small bear cub, a baby deer, a fully grown deer, and a lion. All of them were killed the same way, and shot with the camera. Skinned and torn in two. It was extremely disgusting to watch. And the scary thing was that the silhouette appeared in every photo. Once or twice, a red glow dissipated in between the body of the shadow. I could just make out a skull for a head. It had a sort of shadowy aura.


The last picture will forever be seared into my head. It was the picture of an eye. It wasn't like a regular eye. The eyelashes were torn out, the pupil was red, with two rings of evanescent white. The outer parts were black and dark grey, as to impose a feel of a hole instead of an eye. I could just make out the tip of the nose, which wasn't there. And I could faintly see the mouth. Although there were no lips, just the lines. And the teeth looked razor sharp, with glints hiding here and there. I could have sworn there was blood dripping from his eye and teeth.


I wish I hadn't looked.


I overheard the policeman talking to my dad. Apparently, the recording of the loop had malfunctioned. It only worked on the first night.


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I wrote this creepypasta, it's my first one so it's not that good


This has been hard to write as to this day I still don't know exactly what happened. It was a week after the funeral of my friend Hazel, who killed herself, well at least that's what everyone thought had happened, though was sure it was something else. I remember walking into her room, I was literally in tears. She was on the floor dead, cuts all down her wrists and blood everywhere. There was a note in her hand it read;

"Dear friends and family,

I am so sorry it came to this, but I have decided to take my own life. I can not say why and you must never know. Thank you for everything you have done I will miss you a lot.

Lots of love, Hazel xx.


The weird thing was though, there was no reason for this, she was really popular at school, she had an amazing caring family and she was on of the most beautiful girls you could ever meet, she wasn't upset whenever I saw her, she was always really cheery and happy I just couldn't figure out what made her do this. Also why doesn't she want us to know it just made no sense back then.


I didn't have much time to think about this stuff though as we had to pack up her stuff and get ready for her funeral.


Anyway as I was saying, it was a week after her funeral when weird things started happening, at first it was pretty normal although I remember at night hearing some strange noises but I convinced myself I was just paranoid and went back to sleep, the next few nights were alright except one night when I had a nightmare, something about Hazel trying to kill me, but it was just a dream, everyone has nightmares and it was pretty normal. I remember waking up one night to my window wide open which was weird because I could swear I shut it.


The night after that I made sure I shut my window before I went to bed, but again, I woke up to it open. This went on for the next few nights. I had enough by then, so I decided to sleep downstairs on the sofa. I couldn't sleep that night though where I was so freaked out. I was just drifting off when I heard a tap on the window, I screamed and my sister came down and asked what was wrong. I told her I heard a tap on the window, but she said it was probably just a tree branch and I was over reacting. She then looked at me quite worried and asked why I self harmed. I didn't know what she was talking about until I looked at my wrists covered in scars, I told her I never self harmed and I have no idea how those cuts got there, but she thought I was just denying it because I didn't want people to know or something.


About 10 minuets after she went back to bed I saw this light coming from outside, it was in a sort of ghostly shape and it seemed to be moving towards my house. I closed the curtains and tried to ignore it, but I could see a shadow in the same shape through the curtains, I then saw to red dots something like eyes on the face like area, I also noticed the shadow had hair a lot like Hazels. It whispered something, I don't know exactly what it was saying but all of a sudden I found myself walking towards the kitchen, I couldn't control myself. I picked up a knife and started walking to my sisters room, I screamed and tried to stop myself but I couldn't and before I knew it I was there stabbing her with tears running down my face, I told my sister I was sorry but it was too late. She was dead, and it was all my fault. I could control myself again though, so a ran over to her and gave her a big kiss. I still didn't know how I was going to explain this though, no one would believe me if I said I was possessed.


The next morning I told my mom everything that had happened, we moved house somewhere far away from there and nothing has happened since, although I now need psychological help as this has messed up my head so much. It makes me wonder though, did Hazel really kill her self or was it something else?


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      Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/
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    • Stick War 3 v2025.4.672 +8 OP Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Stick War 3 By 1004319 Alberta Ltd
      Bundle ID: com.maxgames.stickwar3
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/stick-war-3/id1548764863?uo=4

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      - Collect High Gold
      - No Spawn Unit Cooldown
      - No Spell Cooldown
      - Everything Owned

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

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    • Race Master 3D - Car Racing v3.6.15 +4 [Currency Hack]
      Modded/Hacked App: Race Master 3D - Car Racing By SayGames LTD
      Bundle ID: com.easygames.race
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/race-master-3d-car-racing/id1579072162?uo=4

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      Hack Features:
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      Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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