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[2021 A12/13 iOS 13.x-13.7 Oddyssey + 14.x Sileo] Simple Odyssey guide for newbies like myself

156 posts in this topic

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Updated (edited)

Hello guys, 

If you are as unlucky as me -- being stuck with an A12/13 iDevice (iPhone X and newer) AND iOS version of 13.6, 13.6.1, or 13.7 for whatever reason. edit: Also works for 14.x using any Sileo JB

Your only reliable option to jailbreak and hack your games would be by Odyssey 12.2.2. And unfortunately, getting help from the Odyssey JB community feels like playing the lottery sometimes.

Here is what I did in the past 24 hours of researching and trying different things before getting everything working (if you already successfully jailbroke with Odyssey - skip to 12)

1. Update your iTunes to the newest version, make sure it can read your device being connected via USB.

2. Head to Odyssey (theodyssey.dev) on your PC, and follow the Alt Store route to install Odyssey onto your phone. (Alt store was not working for a long time, but the recent patch fixed it around Feb 1, 2021)

3. Unlike Unc0ver, Odyssey jailbreak is quite finicky and tends to have a low success rate, I played around with a few things before my successful jailbreak:

4. Fully charge your device, the jailbreaking process can easily take hours and the last thing you want it to do is have it dying on you during JB which can brick your phone.

5. Disable passcode so that your phone can be unlocked by a simple swipe up.

6. Disable Bluetooth.

7. Connect to a strong wifi/mobile data (the jailbreak actually needs to download stuff during jailbreak contrary to what many "experts" would claim).

8. Kill all the apps running in the background.

9. Restore RootFS with Odyssey. Now this step is crucial and was very tricky for me because my phone had residual unc0ver stuff on it before I accidentally updated my iOS system. I probably restored RootFS nearly 100 times (waiting different amounts of times in between, rebooting my phone manually and waiting for a while before turning it back on, restored rootFS with "enable tweaks" on multiple times, and off multiple times, etc.). Unlike unc0ver, restoring RootFS does NOT get rid of all your other JB icons (Sileo, filza, etc.) as it doesn't clear UIcache. You don't have to delete them between tries. Odyssey also doesn't always complete the process with a prompt (for me the phone just force rebooted in the middle of the restoration process). So it can be difficult to tell if the restore RootFS succeeded. My personal advice would be to do this a couple of times (you can run into different errors each time, but bet on the trial where the log showed the most progress).

10. I'm not jailbreak expert by any means, so the easiest way for me to tell if the Restore RootFS worked is by jailbreaking. When you try to jailbreak with Odyssey, you can run into a plethora of issues. What worked for me in the end was when I kept on attempting to to jailbreak (always with tweaks enabled) -- maybe 3 times in a row, I waited a few minutes after each reboot during the JB (sometimes the reboot has a warning, sometimes the reboot just happens). I always waited the few minutes with my phone unlocked.

11. It's easy to tell if the jailbreak actually worked (sometimes false positives can happen with odyssey where it says "jailbroken" but it isn't), and that's to open Sileo (Cydia equivalent). If the JB worked, Sileo should be functional. If it didn't work after jailbreaking a few times, I would go back to the Restore RootFS step again. Some c;laim that the phone needs to reboot from dashed circles black screen instead of an apple icon black screen for the jailbreak to work properly, this was not the case for me.. my phone rebooted with an apple icon and the JB worked.

12. Unlike Unc0ver, Odyssey does not have an injection tweak (ie. Cydia substrate) installed by default, so you would need to install the libhooker tweak (by CoolStar) from Sileo:

13. Install Safe Mode (libhooker) first.

14. Install libhooker.

15. (optional) install libhooker configurator, this can be useful for apps that are tricky to inject or have multiple injections to manage (So have I heard, I did not need this for my apps personally).

16. Install Filza from Sileo.

17. Download whatever .deb file (ie. game hacks from iosgods) you want and save it.

18. Open Filza, and navigate to the file (Filza can be tricky to use at first, but for simplicity's sake, just keep hitting "back" to the main directory  "/", and search the key word "iosgods". Once you find the file, favorite the directory, as all your future downloads will be here.

19. Click on the .deb file and install it. The hack should work now.

20. If you're unlucky like me, and step 19 did not work for you, you will need to download and install a terminal similar to Command Prompt for PC called "NewTerm" from Sileo.

21. Open NewTerm, type in (just the italicized part including spaces):sudo /etc/rc.d/libhooker && sudo ldrestart

and it will ask for a password, type in:alpine    

For some reason, when you type in the password, the blinker isn't updated, so make sure you do not make any typos and hit "return"

22. Now your phone will respring. Check your game and again and the injection should be successful. If not, try installing the .deb file from Filza again or play with the libhooker configurator (app is just called "libhooker").

Updated by Rook
typo and info update
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@Kampurz Is there a reason why Step 21 is required? I also had to do it in order for iGameGod to work. :wonder:

  • Agree 1

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  • Our picks

    • Good Coffee, Great Coffee v1.0.10 +8 Jailed Cheats [ Unlimited Currencies ]
      Modded/Hacked App: Good Coffee, Great Coffee By TAPBLAZE, LLC
      Bundle ID: com.tapblaze.coffeebusiness
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/good-coffee-great-coffee/id1603584945?uo=4

      🤩 Hack Features

      - Unlimited Cash
      - Unlimited Gems
      - Unlimited Energy
      - Unlimited Brew Points
      - Unlimited Daily Rewards
      - All Decor Unlocked
      - All Equipment Unlocked
      - All Equipment Upgrades Unlocked
      - All Shop Upgrades Unlocked
      - Perfect Drinks
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      • 57 replies
    • Good Coffee, Great Coffee v1.0.10 +8 Cheats [ Unlimited Currencies ]
      Modded/Hacked App: Good Coffee, Great Coffee By TAPBLAZE, LLC
      Bundle ID: com.tapblaze.coffeebusiness
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/good-coffee-great-coffee/id1603584945?uo=4


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Unlimited Cash
      - Unlimited Gems
      - Unlimited Energy
      - Unlimited Brew Points
      - Unlimited Daily Rewards
      - All Decor Unlocked
      - All Equipment Unlocked
      - All Equipment Upgrades Unlocked
      - All Shop Upgrades Unlocked
      - Perfect Drinks
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      • 34 replies
    • Kitty’s Kitchen Diary v1.0.2 +3 Jailed Cheats [ Unlimited Currencies ]
      Modded/Hacked App: Kitty’s Kitchen Diary By SuperPlanet corp.
      Bundle ID: com.superplanet.catrecipe
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kittys-kitchen-diary/id6496345774?uo=4


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Unlimited Currencies -> Head into Settings and toggle the Notifications button.
      - Unlock All -> Head into Settings and toggle the Nightly Notifications button.
      - Freeze Diamonds
      • 0 replies
    • Kitty’s Kitchen Diary v1.0.2 +3 Cheats [ Unlimited Currencies ]
      Modded/Hacked App: Kitty’s Kitchen Diary By SuperPlanet corp.
      Bundle ID: com.superplanet.catrecipe
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kittys-kitchen-diary/id6496345774?uo=4


      🤩 Hack Features

      - Unlimited Currencies -> Head into Settings and toggle the Notifications button.
      - Unlock All -> Head into Settings and toggle the Nightly Notifications button.
      - Freeze Diamonds
      • 0 replies
    • Demon Sword: Idle RPG v1.1.50 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Demon Sword: Idle RPG By Rawhand. Inc
      Bundle ID: com.rawhand.demonsword
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/demon-sword-idle-rpg/id6444302102?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier

      Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download IPA Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App

      PC Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress.
      STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic.
      STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC.
      STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up.
      STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information.
      STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

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      • 30 replies
    • Demon Sword: Idle RPG v1.1.50 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Demon Sword: Idle RPG By NX PLUS CO.,LTD.
      Bundle ID: com.rawhand.demonsword
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/demon-sword-idle-rpg/id6444302102?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defence Multiplier

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content
      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

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      • 143 replies
    • D4DJ Groovy Mix v7.6.00 +2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: D4DJ Groovy Mix By Donuts Co. Ltd.
      Bundle ID: com.bushiroad.en.d4dj
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/d4dj-groovy-mix/id1550248186?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Always Perfect
      - No Damage

      Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download IPA Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App

      PC Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress.
      STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic.
      STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC.
      STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up.
      STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information.
      STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Agree
        • Haha
        • Like
      • 21 replies
    • Blades of Brim v2.22.1 +1 Jailed Cheat
      Modded/Hacked App: Blades of Brim By Sybo Games ApS
      Bundle ID: com.sybogames.brim
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blades-of-brim/id891278325?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Gold
      - Essence

      Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download IPA Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App

      PC Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress.
      STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic.
      STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC.
      STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up.
      STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information.
      STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Informative
        • Agree
        • Haha
        • Winner
        • Like
      • 44 replies
    • D4DJ Groovy Mix v7.6.00 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: D4DJ Groovy Mix By Bushiroad International Pte. Ltd.
      Bundle ID: com.bushiroad.en.d4dj
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/d4dj-groovy-mix/id1550248186?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia or Sileo).

      Hack Features:
      - Always Perfect
      - No Damage

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content
      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above.
      STEP 2: Copy the file over to your iDevice using any of the file managers mentioned above or skip this step if you're downloading from your iDevice.
      STEP 3: Using Filza or iFile, browse to where you saved the downloaded .deb file and tap on it.
      STEP 4: Once you tap on the file, you will need to press on 'Install' or 'Installer' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 5: Let Filza / iFile finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 6: If the hack is a Mod Menu, which is usually the case nowadays, the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 7: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

        • Informative
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        • Winner
        • Like
      • 99 replies
    • Blades of Brim v2.22.1 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: Blades of Brim By Sybo Games ApS
      Bundle ID: com.sybogames.brim
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blades-of-brim/id891278325

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Filza / iFile or iFunBox / iTools or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate or Substitute.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia or Sileo).

      Hack Features:
      - gold
      - essence

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content
      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above.
      STEP 2: Copy the file over to your iDevice using any of the file managers mentioned above or skip this step if you're downloading from your iDevice.
      STEP 3: Using Filza or iFile, browse to where you saved the downloaded .deb file and tap on it.
      STEP 4: Once you tap on the file, you will then need to press on 'Install' or 'Installer' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 5: Let Filza / iFile finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 6: If the hack is a Mod Menu, which is usually the case nowadays, the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 7: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

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      • 234 replies
    • (The Eminence in Shadow RPG Japan) 陰の実力者になりたくて!マスターオブガーデン v3.5.1+2 Jailed Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: 陰の実力者になりたくて!マスターオブガーデン By Aiming Inc.
      Bundle ID: com.aiming.shadow.garden.mog
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/%E9%99%B0%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%9F%E5%8A%9B%E8%80%85%E3%81%AB%E3%81%AA%E3%82%8A%E3%81%9F%E3%81%8F%E3%81%A6-%E3%83%9E%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AA%E3%83%96%E3%82%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%87%E3%83%B3/id1629373124?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives.
      - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed.

      Hack Features:
      - Damage Multiplier
      - Defense Multiplier

      Jailbreak required hack(s): 

      iOS Hack Download IPA Link:

      Hidden Content

      Download via the iOSGods App

      PC Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress.
      STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic.
      STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC.
      STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up.
      STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application.
      STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information.
      STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below.
      STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'.
      STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.

      NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

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        • Like
      • 23 replies
    • (The Eminence in Shadow RPG Japan) 陰の実力者になりたくて!マスターオブガーデン v3.5.1 +2 Cheats
      Modded/Hacked App: 陰の実力者になりたくて!マスターオブガーデン By Aiming Inc.
      Bundle ID: com.aiming.shadow.garden.mog
      iTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/%E9%99%B0%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%9F%E5%8A%9B%E8%80%85%E3%81%AB%E3%81%AA%E3%82%8A%E3%81%9F%E3%81%8F%E3%81%A6-%E3%83%9E%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AA%E3%83%96%E3%82%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%87%E3%83%B3/id1629373124?uo=4

      Mod Requirements:
      - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.
      - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS.
      - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak.
      - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra).

      Hack Features:
      - x Dmg
      - x Def

      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/

      iOS Hack Download Link:

      Hidden Content
      Download Hack

      Installation Instructions:
      STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download.
      STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza.
      STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen.
      STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below.
      STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings.
      STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game.


      NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.

      - AlyssaX64

      Cheat Video/Screenshots:

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