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Posted (edited)


someone can teach me how jailbreak my iphone 8+ ios 13.5.1 plz ?

what i have to do ? And what is a tweak ?

any recommandations ?


thank you a lot.

Updated by Laxus



Semi-Untethered Only. Follow the Cydia Impactor method of installing the Jailbreak.


what is meaning semi unthethered ?

1 minute ago, R3qlzz said:



Semi-Untethered Only. Follow the Cydia Impactor method of installing the Jailbreak.


what is meaning semi unthethered ?

Youtube Tutorials will explain all 


If you're still wondering, you can't JB iOS 13.5.1.

However if you have a pc you can downgrade to iOS 13.5 because it's still signed, but do it asap because it might get unsigned soon. (get the version at ipsw.me)


To jailbreak, you need a pc.

After that you need iTunes,iCloud and AltServer installed in your pc. (install and set em all up)

Connect your device and check for a diamond icon (altserver) in your system notification area at your taskbar.

Right click the icon and choose install Altstore, then choose your device.

After installing altstore you can go ahead and download Unc0ver from the site and wait for it to download the ipa file, copy it to altstore and voila just press jailbreak in Unc0ver.

Hope it helps, also alot of youtubers has a much more detailed info on how to do it so yeah I recommend watching some vids.



Posted (edited)

Hey !

Its ok now im JB !!

but every 7 days i have to rejailbreak ?

i see some tweaks, i have to install them from where ? From alt store ? Because i see i only can to install 9 apps...


and i install a cheat, from iosgodapp and i install it to Alt store without computer!

amazing but like i said , i can only have 10 apps/tweaks ?

On cydia impactor its said i can only have 3 apps, tweaks is considered like a app too ?

Tank you !

Updated by R3qlzz

Grats on jailbreaking your iDevice!

From what I understand altstore will prevent you from re jailbreaking your device every week (will not revoke checkra1n/unc0ver), you'll just need to occasionally refresh the app you are using to JB by tapping on the app in Altstore/opening altsore (the app will usually do it automatically).

Also altstore will help you install .ipa files (apps) without needing the help of a pc via cydia impactor (which doesn't work atm) or other similar programs, just install it in safari (if you find the app file you desire) and copy it to altstore and it will install it for you, that will only work for up to 10 apps iicr.

As for the tweaks, you can have as much as you want and as long as your device can handle it, you can get tweaks from cydia and sometimes you need repos to get other tweaks not available in the native cydia app.

If you want hacks from this site all you wanna do is download Filza first (cydia) and find the hack you want in this site, download it in safari and copy to filza, install the file you just copied and respring, then voila you have the hack.

If you have other questions, feel free.

5 hours ago, R3qlzz said:

i see some tweaks, i have to install them from where ? From alt store ? Because i see i only can to install 9 apps...

On cydia impactor its said i can only have 3 apps, tweaks is considered like a app too ?

*You download tweaks from cydia, if you can't find the tweak you want you might need a repo link, find the specific link you need and add it to cydia.

*tweaks are not apps.

Posted (edited)

Grats on jailbreaking your iDevice!

From what I understand altstore will prevent you from re jailbreaking your device every week (will not revoke checkra1n/unc0ver), you'll just need to occasionally refresh the app you are using to JB by tapping on the app in Altstore/opening altsore (the app will usually do it automatically).

pc is needed because altstore have to Connect to altserver.

okkk nice information !!! Thank you a lot , i see in youtube a lot of tweaks very interesting !


In this forum i see a guy talking about tweak about say our phone is not jailbreak,cuz some game security....

I just downloaded an ipa from iosgodapp, copy it to filezila but nothing happened after ... 

Updated by R3qlzz
2 hours ago, R3qlzz said:

Grats on jailbreaking your iDevice!

From what I understand altstore will prevent you from re jailbreaking your device every week (will not revoke checkra1n/unc0ver), you'll just need to occasionally refresh the app you are using to JB by tapping on the app in Altstore/opening altsore (the app will usually do it automatically).

pc is needed because altstore have to Connect to altserver.

okkk nice information !!! Thank you a lot , i see in youtube a lot of tweaks very interesting !


In this forum i see a guy talking about tweak about say our phone is not jailbreak,cuz some game security....

I just downloaded an ipa from iosgodapp, copy it to filezila but nothing happened after ... 

IPA files can be a pain in the ass to Download with FILZA  Try Copying it to Altstore instead if that does not work  install Reprovision in Cydia       When you wanna get a hack for lets say     terraria      make sure you have terraria installed    come to this site and download the hack and it will be in a deb file download that with filza and Boom install it  respring   and Open the game up 

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      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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      Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/
      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
      • 13 replies
    • Claire's Chronicles: Solitaire v0.19.0 +1++ Cheat [ Unlimited Everything ]
      Modded/Hacked App: Claire's Chronicles: Solitaire By wooga gmbh
      Bundle ID: net.wooga.claires.chronicles.solitaire.design.mystery.town.adventure
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      Hack Features:
      - Unlimited Everything -> Will increase instead of decrease.

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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
      For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/
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