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  1. @Joka App Store just updated it to 1.26.0. Ooof! Thanks for your hard work!
  2. You guys have a life so I understand.
  3. I apologize for assuming. My bad. Yeah, I saw the Japanese version the developer had a feature that allow each card get a dragon ball to make the rising rush quicker. Now I don't know if it possible in the English version. If it is then awesome, if not I totally get it considering some things are hackable and some are not.
  4. There isn't an need to be upset nor respond in that tone. A simple yes or no would of suffice. It is a request section. I did asked nicely unlike most who demand & expect it which I did not come across that way. Goodbye Joka. Thanks for your contribution.
  5. Do you think you can add a feature that allows you to collect every dragon balls to do rising rush much faster in the english version since it was made for the japanese version?
  6. Don’t use the OHK hack. Use the one without it. This prevents the enemy from attacking still but allow you to do the rising rush
  7. @JokaI know this is annoying but they updated their app again lol cheers mate
  8. @Joka they updated their game, AGAIN lol 1.23.0 when you have the chance friend
  9. @Joka cheats needs to be updated to 1.22.0. of course do it whenever you have the time.
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