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  1. Yes you did. Now, did you have anything to add about the rest of the post you replied to? Because this thread is about non jailbroken devices. Not buying 7 year old phones.
  2. Phone? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Why would I want to play todays games on a 7 year old piece of junk with a tiny screen?
  3. 2. This never works. 3. Requires giving you money. 4. Requires giving you money. 5. I’ve never come across a working app. 6. Rarely come across an app that uses social media. Apples and oranges. Need a free method of syncing to be equal with free DEBs. So I take this to mean this solution will have the exact same sync issues. Bummer. I’m so sick and tired of waiting years for an iPad jailbreak and when I finally get one the POS breaks!
  4. One of the biggest issues with jailed installs is it’s not the official app so things like cloud syncing don’t work. Will that still be ann issue with this? This is a major issue because at some point in time the author will stop maintaining their hack. Then you’re stuck with no where to go. Can’t upgrade to the store app version, no way to transfer data. You’re just stuck on the last hacked version and more times than not the app will stop working if a forced upgrade is required. I’ve wasted entirely too much time on games that are now dead yet the actual game lives on.
  5. You don't change the IPA file name. You change the .app folder name inside the IPA. Open the IPA with 7zip (or whatever you have that can extract it). Don't extract it but while you have it opened simply change the .app folder name inside the Payload folder and make sure the file saves.
  6. In Windows 10 and 11, open your start menu and type - environment. You should see the item - Edit the system environment variables. From there click the environment variables button and change away.
  7. Same goes for Photoshop. No need to delete anything. Just open the IPA with 7zip (or whatever) and rename the .app folder to P.app. then make sure you temp folder is set to something very small like C:\TEMP or might as well make it C:\T just to be safe. I don't know if it's using user or system temp, I did both. Photoshop installed fine after that. Same with all the other IPA's I had this same issue with. Sideloadly needs to start supporting the same long path names that Windows now supports.
  8. Altstore doesn't work either. Says error writing to disk. Just shooting in the dark here, I think these apps are using some old garbage method of file path handling like MAX_PATH. The file paths are in fact longer than 260 but that hasn't been a thing in Windows for almost 10 years now. Whatever they are using to extract must be hard checking the length and skipping them. Either way, it would be nice if these apps would allow us to select a .app folder instead of only IPA files or allow us to select where to extract them. EDIT: Yup, that's exactly it. I changed the .app folder name of the LEGO game to just L.app and now it's getting father and failing on an even longer path name: C:\\Users\\xxxxxx\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp8_c1m5v9\\Payload\\L.app\\Data\\Raw\\aa\\iOS\\props-countryside_assets_assets\\prefabs\\props\\countryside\\static\\models\\billhouse_16082022_grouped_newselectionset_optimized_transparent_fast.asset_1a96eb10cce355b1f2c7612fff7ac9ae.bundle So then I changed my temp path to C:\TEMP and that got it installed. End result: These apps need to be brought up to speed and quit using the old garbage 260 path limit. Who cares if sideloadly doesn't work on Windows XP? EDIT2: I didn't bother to verify if sideloadly is using user temp or system temp. I simply changed them both.
  9. Every time I try to install this I get: ERROR: Guru Meditation b4822c@1701:a26021 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpbi46p4tx\\Payload\\LEGOHillClimbAdventures.app\\Data\\Raw\\aa\\iOS\\environmentscenes_scenes_assets\\gamecontent\\content-base\\addressablecontentprefabs\\regions\\region-countryside\\bigforestenvironment.unity_e3094b11bdff0af0968b36baa3000d66.bundle' Sideloadly 50.3. When I watch the temp folder I can clearly see it's not extracting everything. The entire temp folder is only 127MB. I can extract the files into the temp folder myself so it's not a file name length issue.
  10. Nah, Sideloadly is just broken. I get this exact error on everything I try to install. You can watch the TEMP folder yourself. Sideloadly is failing to extract the entire IPA. I can extract the IPA myself into the folder and it extracts fine (so file name lengths are fine). But when I try to paste the files into the temp folder it creates I get "folder not empty" errors while it's trying to sign. I can't tell if I'm simply not pasting the files into there quickly enough or if something else is also broken. For example - LEGO Hill Climb. The IPA is 576MB. Extracted it's 819MB. The temp folder sideloadly makes is only 127MB. So yeah, of course it can't find the file! @Rook - Can you help with this? EDIT: Looks like we might be SOL - EDIT2: Altstore doesn't work either. Says error writing to disk. Just shooting in the dark here, I think these apps are using some old garbage method of file path handling like MAX_PATH. The file paths are in fact longer than 260 but that hasn't been a thing in Windows for almost 10 years now. Whatever they are using to extract must be hard checking the length and skipping them. Either way, it would be nice if these apps would allow us to select a .app folder instead of only IPA files or allow us to select where to extract them. EDIT3: Yup, that's exactly it. I changed the .app folder name of the LEGO game to just L.app and now it's getting father and failing on an even longer path name: C:\\Users\\xxxxxx\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp8_c1m5v9\\Payload\\L.app\\Data\\Raw\\aa\\iOS\\props-countryside_assets_assets\\prefabs\\props\\countryside\\static\\models\\billhouse_16082022_grouped_newselectionset_optimized_transparent_fast.asset_1a96eb10cce355b1f2c7612fff7ac9ae.bundle So then I changed my temp path to C:\TEMP and that got it installed. End result: These apps need to be brought up to speed and quit using the old garbage 260 path limit. Who cares if sideloadly doesn't work on Windows XP?
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