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  1. Yep, it started with the latest one, everything was working as intended before and since they updated the game, only this one isn't working anymore
  2. Sup ! @RookHi ! Would it be possible to update the cheat please ? The "no-swap-cooldown time" feature isn't working. Thank you !
  3. @Rook @ZahirSup guys, an update just came out and god mode looks broken, haven't tested damage, swap and skill works perfectly, would you mind checking regarding god mode please ? Thanks !
  4. You mean that you're getting an error at the end of a normal arena while being under x50 and stuff like that ? that's really really weird, I've got noo problem so far. We really need a true damage multiplier just like Android has been doing for years now, not a x50 that is a 2500 / hit.
  5. Are you getting these errors in champions arena ? because if so then yes they don’t allow abnormal data, but I was talking about the classic arena, when I use one-hit in classic arena I end getting an error.
  6. This is really strange because Android's mod damages doesn't get you an error. Anyway, if there is a VIP here, you should ask on the Thread to get a higher damages mod like 10000 per hit (or maybe ask for a fix for current x20 / x50 that linked and deal 2500 per hit...)
  7. This does look like it’s amazing !
  8. Thanks ! EDIT : Am I doign something bad ? not working for me.
  9. Hack is working fine for me, nothing wrong, make sure you downloaded the last version
  10. Just avoid to use ANY damage modes in champions arena / raids, they can now detect it, same for Android, damage modes are only usable in campaign / arena.
  11. OHKO still works x10 is still bugged and all hits just deal 100 x20 and x50 are bugged too, you can't enable only one of them (enabling/disabling one will enable/disable the other but this is just visual), but X20 is dealing 400 per hits and x50 is 2500 per hits
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