I did it like you said, but this error appeared again
Task status for ID: 65ddcd9c-0c30-4491-9712-c19591895bb7Edit and restart
Current status: error-il2cppdumper-35
Starting il2cppdumper on 2023-11-12 10:07:52.150056
Initializing metadata...
Metadata Version: 27
Initializing il2cpp file...
System.NotSupportedException: ERROR: il2cpp file not supported.
at Il2CppDumper.Program.Init (System.String il2cppPath, System.String metadataPath, Il2CppDumper.Metadata& metadata, Il2CppDumper.Il2Cpp& il2Cpp) [0x000b6] in <f7e6b0919917422ea558f2909d3584d7>:0
at Il2CppDumper.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x001ac] in <f7e6b0919917422ea558f2909d3584d7>:0
Total time for il2cppdumper: 0:00:08.727327
Il2cppdumper did not produce any files. Probably something is wrong with the executable or metadata?