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Posts posted by BoomInYourFace85

  1. If the chars in battle stack restart the game every time so that you won't loose any unnecessarily energy. I can assure you that how I unlock all my stages and 3 stars all:). After that I just sim.

    Yup, that's what I've been doing and it works. Thanks for the advice. Really hoping for a x64 update so we can use this without having to figure out what works and doesn't work. Either was I'm satisfied with this hack.

  2. This is the solution for me 64 bit and on 9.0.2 IOS, I turned on NO COOLDOWN; ONE HIT AND AUTOWIN. It works on all; arena stages and even raid. Just have to try a bit. Other functions craches the app. But it works fine for me, as i have autowin working :) Great Job DiDA

    I'll give this a shot. Thanks for the advice. I've tried using Auto Win on Light/Dark/Cantina battles and it freezes or actually everyone just stands around doing nothing but yeah, it works 99% of the time for me in Arena and Fleet battles. If One Hit helps I'll let you know. For some reason I can't access Galactic Wars and not sure if it has to deal with this hack. Still searching for an answer for that on some forums.

  3. Auto win works too, just a bit buggy…don't use specials and it's harder to use in things that have phases

    But it's ideal for Arena

    It does work in Arena but it's like 80-20 for me. Should have told him this. Usually use people that just taunt and this also works in Fleet Arena as well as Galactic. In Galactic it adds the characters from the last battle in the next battle so once it stops working or freezes you'll have to close the game and go back and change the characters around until you find what works. Again, find people that don't really attack but if you do that's ok as it may work. It's really trial and error here for us x64 folks until they update it and make it useable for us which I'm really hoping they do soon.

  4. Any chance to get ban for this?

    From reading on the EA Forums, they aren't banning people because for people on Android using Google Play, those accounts are automatically refunded from their account being banned. So from what I kept seeing is, EA isnt banning because they will just lose money. They put "cheaters" on their own server where they play against AI or other cheaters and don't win awards from events and what not. Wasn't going to read through the 1000's of posts about it but that's what I got from reading a good bit of pages.

  5. For another thing with people that have x64 phones, if you turn Auto Win on and SIM the Challenges you will get 3-7 times the amount. So for instance I did the Bounty one where you get credits and I would normally get 83.3K and 20 of that other stuff to buy that Bronze Data Card and with Auto Win on I got the prize 7 times. Also Auto Win has been working 100% with me in the Arena. All you have to do is do a battle, close the game and wait the 10mins, open the game back up and it will work again and not freeze. Might not work for everyone but worth a shot.

  6. Great hack! I have an iPhone 6 and am on iOS 9+ so I am encountering those bugs. The only hack that crashes is god mode. The others are a bit sporadic.

    Skill cool down works fine as it did with original+1 release.

    Auto win works quite nicely for galactic wars or any battle where there is only 1 battle not 1-3. It seems characters not killed are carried over and sometimes the game freezes where the enemy doesn't strike and you have no option to attack.

    God mode crashes.

    1 shot kill gives god mode to both you and enemy but some times very rarely it will hurt a player and you can kill them normally. Otherwise it's a constant back and forth.

    Increase battle speed just freezes the scene where no one attacks and gives you no option.

    Great work on this hack! Hoping to find an older phone to get this to work properly on but hopefully this helps others who still want to use it and have a newer phone on iOS9

    Having the same bugs except on the Auto Win, it sometimes freezes and nothing happens. Also worked a couple times and now every time I use it it just doesn't do anything and have to force close the game. Anywho awesome hack and ant wait for an update for the x64 version.


    Update. When I turn hacks off and only have "No Cool Down" on it seems to still mess things up. It freezes and forces me to force close it. Not sure why but oh well.

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