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  • iDevice
    iPhone X
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  • Jailbroken
  • Android Device
    Galaxy S7
  • Android Version
    106.47 & 1745
  • Rooted

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  1. I need help. I always have a problem with mod menu. I installed the .deb file and respring. And when I look into my settings, I don’t see the settings for the cheat. Can anyone help?
  2. I neeed help. I want to install NewTerm 2 cuz NewTerm is old and doesn’t support IOS 11 so I tried to install NewTerm 2 and it says depend on 3 things: - ->Depends libswift4 >=4.0.3-3 - ->Depends Cephei >=1.11.2 - ->Depends com.linusyang.localeutf8 Help?
  3. I’m still having this problem where the hack doesn’t work for me. I downloaded the .deb file and installed it. I checked Cydia and it was installed. But when I load up the game, nothing. It’s just the normal game.
  4. Does this work for v6.9.1? Cuz it’s the new update currently.
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