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ViP Pro
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    iPhone 14 Pro Max
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  1. Is nekoJB real?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Parxdy


      kfdexploit cant be used for a jailbreak without a ppl bypass but when its found its for arm64e ios 15-16.6b1

    3. papas


      didn't they use kfdexploit for the taurine update?

    4. 34306


      Can confirm it's real. I was working on kfd stuffs and yes it working on iOS 15.7.3, iPhone 6s atm. Some offsets on kfd broken since iOS 15.2+ because of ucred offsets. All vnode stuffs related still remain and not changed.

      But NekoJB is only for arm64, not arm64e because of PPL

    5. Puddin


      Yeah it’s for A11 devices and below only. Uses the KFD exploit.

    6. BionixPwn


      Yeah Page Protection Layer is Pain in the neck!! About the NekoJB the developer behind this (HAHALOSAH) received lots of bash and hate comments he might gonna delay it because of lots of the JB community!

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