Hey guys so im going to post my issues in hopes of finding a potential solution to all my mods being linked with enemy, currently i just enable and than disable before enemy spawns but id like to find a way to seperate enemy and myself if possible
1.) so the value im modding in my game is HP
2.) steps ive taken
-gone on dnSpy and read over Assemble Csharp file
-found get_hp value inCharacterStatus
// CharacterStatus // Token: 0x06000CE9 RID: 3305 RVA: 0x00005F40 File Offset: 0x00004140 [Token(Token = "0x6000CE9")] [Address(RVA = "0x22AFB18", Offset = "0x22AFB18", VA = "0x22AFB18")] public int get__HP() { return 0; }
used the offset of get hp with
FMOV S0, #31
for High HP value
and than i Applied it in game using Live Offset Patcher
if theres a way i can learn how to differentiate my and enemy hp it would be appreciated.
i have tried looking for other get hp values to see if there is one for enemies, which in the files they call boss,raidboss. any tips would be appreciated thanks!