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  • Jailbroken
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    Asus Padfone
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  1. Hahaha, thank you Hope i can be a modder like you, so i just mod it by myself hehe
  2. No sir, i dont have any suspicious or hacking apps
  3. Yes ofcourse, i play it before so i have an account that already high level. Could you please check by yourself sir, did you get the same pop up "illegal program detected" or not?
  4. Already install game from apkpure and play it, then change replace the lib but mod didnt work and the illegal program pop up, then i try to just install the mod apk over original, cant do because signature conflict, then i try obb trick and install the mod apk, illegal program error pop up again, what should i do sir? Did anyone have the same problem with me? Maybe they can detect illegal program because the energy mod, could you please make another apk only for no skill card cooldown sir?
  5. Ooh okaay, i'll try, but how to extract the lib from the modded apk sir? Is there any apps i should install first, or es file explorer can do?
  6. Is it still work if first i install the APK from Apkpure? Because in Playstore this game isnt available in my country
  7. Do you have its GP link?
  8. Wow thankyou sir! Hopefully you keep update this mod Edit: Already installed it, "Illegal Program Has Been Detected" error window pop up, please help sir @Diversityy
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