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Posts posted by Drak7e

  1. K_K posted a Modded version of the game where he says:

    - Infinite Health (Shared with enemy refer to notes)
    - One Hit Kill (shared with enemy refer to notes
    - Always 3 Stars (refer to notes)
    Notes: The health and one hit Kill is shared with the enemy so for it to work correctly have the health turned on when you start so if enemy gets first hit you don’t die, then when it’s your turn turn off . To one hit Kill all enemies at once use bugs bunny’s present ? button. Don’t get any damage gives you 3 Stars.

    But I imagine that the problem here is it's more difficult to keep a modded version up to date (which this one doesn't seem to be) than the hack itself. Only guessing here, really.

    Anyway, the logic behind the Modded hacks is nice. Maybe it could be replicated as a Mod Menu here? K_K and Joka combined forces. :)

  2. Hey guys.... what's the best practice to use this hack?
    I mean, I know everything is linked, so if I try to use the turn OFF/ON the hack during the battle, I get confused when to se it.
    If it's my turn to attack, I keep God mode OFF so my enemy can get hit, but we never know when it's their turn PLUS it's impossible for me to be fast enough to turn ON God Mode when I see it's the enemy's turn.

    I must be missing something... Can anyone help? Thanks. 

  3. O...M...G.... THIS WORKSSSSSS!!!!!!!
    Just installed and tested in a game I have here.

    Modified the value, applied it and BAM. All is gooooooooood. Yey!

    For those having dificulties to install or use the app, here you go:

    1) After download and install via Filza or similar file management app, it will respring.
    2) Go into SETTINGS and find the Tweak. If it doesn't show, remember you need PreferenceLoader installed in order to show some tweaks in the Preferences. Search for it in Cydia.
    3) Go into the tweak and scroll until u find the App/game you want to edit.
    4) For clean purposes, close that app from the memory in case it was already open (I did it after I ticked the App to inject and it worked ok)
    5) Open the app/game
    6) You will see a small black/transparent circle with the initials DLG in it (yey, it worked!!)
    7) Now just work the magic: find a number to change, click the circle to enter DLG, search for it. To close the DLG just tap anywhere on the black area. Spend/buy/whatever to change that number. Open DLG again and search for the new value. Continue until you have one or a few options (sometimes it 2) that won't reduce in quantity any further.
    ? TO MODIFY THE VALUES: Click the small "M" at the far right of the value(s), enter the desired number and enter. Then u have to click OK where there was the "M", or it won't change. If you have more than one instance of the result, modify them all EQUALLY and then hit OK for all of them. Click anywhere in the black area and.. BAM!
    You're done!

    EDIT: Generally u gotta spend/buy/whatever to modify that number again to see the NEW value you entered show up!

    Enjoy all!
    And please buy this guy a coffee, beer, whatever! He deserves it! WOW!

  4. Worked flawlessly!!!!
    You guys (users) just have to pay attention, read the instructions 2, 3 times BEFORE acting. It's easy to get lost, get confused.
     There are people who don't find the folder inside USR... maybe because they went for the USER folder - it's a MIND thing... you read it complete and go for the first one you see.

    So be careful and everything will work perfect!!

    And the part that he tells you to reboot and rejailbreak is simply because if u messed up, it's easier to go and restart EVERYTHING: jailbreak > Cydia > Tweaks.


    Thanks again!!!!! Fantastic work!

    PS.: Oh, IMPORTANT!!!!! Reinstalling Tweak Injector makes Cydia ask for a phone REBOOT - I'm guessing this is the kind of thing that u would NOT want (happened for me), so I just closed Cydia, ran iCleaner and respringed. "Voilá"!! Everything there as expected. ;)

  5. OMG! OMG! OMFG!!!!!
    I had given UP after several tries, I took a long time to start thinking of using this JB... I'm a DEV and was so SAD I couldn't get it to work, even though I went through ALL just right things to-do-list... but then... I remembered iOSGods...

    I'm a stubborn bastitch and I found and used the ignition tutorial here and BAM!!! Worked!!! OMGGGG!!!!!!!!!! Cydia Installed! WORKING at second TRY!! Hurray!!!!! 

    Thank you guys and gals SO MUCH! :D:D:D:D

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