So I was toying around with the February 2015 hack for Hotspot Shield Elite and noticed that the link for the .deb file was down...
So I toyed around with FLEX 2 on iOS 8.4 (pretty sure this works with iOS 7 & up) and I found a simple workaround to gain Elite access for good (so it seems) .
I literally just figured this out about an hour ago. It may not grant full Elite access to Hotspot Shield for iOS, but it seems I have Elite access as of now (with app version 3.3.2). So far, it appears I have unlimited days to use Elite privileges (this hack enables auto-renewal to our non-existent subscription, making it virtually unstoppable). It updated my account info to say I have Elite Membership, and my max amount of devices is still 1 (but who knows).
1) Download FLEX 2 from Cydia.
-I used a cracked repo to gain Flex 2 for free.
-Add ( and search for Flex 2. Install.
2) Download Hotspot Shield (App Store).
-It's necessary that you create a legitimate account.
-Sign in, and install the profile it asks you to.
-Make sure the VPN connection seems to be working correctly.
3) Open Flex 2 and begin creating your patch.
-Navigate to the bottom-left tab labelled patches and then tap the (+) icon at the top right.
-Choose HotSpot Shield from the list.
-Tap on your new un-modded patch and tap Add Units...
-Under Executable, process the HotspotVPN library.
-Within the HotspotVPN library, search for these units:
1) Unit for -(bool) auto_renew
2) Unit for -(void) setAuto_renew:(bool)
-Go back to your newly added units and proceed to step 4.
4) Overwrite units.
-For the "Unit for -(bool) auto_renew", change the "Return Value" Override Value to TRUE.
-For the "Unit for -(void) setAuto_renew:(bool)", change the "Argument #1" Override Value to TRUE.
5) Enable the patch and open HotSpot Shield VPN.
-Go back to the Patches tab in Flex 2, and make sure the check mark to the right of your new patch is checked.
-Open HotSpot Shield.
At the main screen within the app, under account info it should read:
Account Type: Elite Membership
Days Remaining: Auto Renewing (as long as you haven't signed up for a subscription, this won't charge you.)
Someone let me know if there's any specific problems I've missed.
I'm not sure this is a 100% hack to Elite Membership, but it seems like it is.
Anyone feel free to further mod the patch in Flex, and let us know if there's a better method.
Happy VPNing