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    edouard72 38

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  1. Bonjour, j’ai essayer de contacter le service client mais je n’est aucune réponse et ne parlant pas anglais, j’espère trouver une solution ici. Je souhaite télécharger des jeux et applications, mais j’ai toujours un message me disant que l’application n’a pas pus être vérifié dans sont l’intégrité. J’ai payer 3 mois de vip a + de 30€.. donc j’aimerais que çela fonctionne correctement… merci pour vos réponse d’avance
  2. thank you, but I have a mistake cp: 62 on cydia impactor. My iphone 7, iOS 11.3.2 Someone has an idea please?
  3. @FatDipInMyLipThank you, it worked, but the shop is not free is this normal?
  4. @FatDipInMyLipThanks for the information, I will try this, and I would come and tell you if it's working
  5. @LukeDrago Can we have all the resources and keep his house? Is it possible to save with the game center? I'm not jailbreak
  6. @ZahirSher The application hangs at the end of loading and closes ...
  7. Thanks, everything worked, is it possible to have all the parts, and have my personal backup
  8. Me to put the game, I transfer the backup download into the user application and the last day on earth. Delete the application on my phone. Launch the restore, after the restoration finished, I download the last day on Earh, and all the hack was on
  9. I have to click restore the last day on earth file only?
  10. I am not rovercraft is this normal? I have an iPhone 7 iOS 10.3.2
  11. I'm disgusted ... is it possible to have the last day on earth 1.5.2 without jailbreak please ... I waited 1 week ...
  12. @DiDA I'm not rovercraft on iBackupbot I have an iPhone 7 under iOS 10.3.2 please help me
  13. I am not rovercraft is this normal ? I have an iPhone 7 under iOS 10.3.2
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