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    iPhone Xr
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  • Jailbroken

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  1. Riot just hate any players with their devices jailbroken as a huge amount of players cheated using jailbroken devices. Their jailbreak detection is crazy. I got two on my accounts banned by Riot before just because I was playing Wild Rift on my jailbroken device.
  2. Here is the tutorial I found: The bad thing is you would have to reinstall all your tweaks.
  3. Good to hear some solutions. Downgrading my ios version needs a lot work......it is the last resort though.
  4. It seems that I am not the only one having this problem. But it is extremely weird that no one is talking about this issue. This jailbreak bypass thing is driving me crazy.........
  5. I updated my Wild Rift to the lastest 3.2 patch. However, my jailbreak bypass stop functioning and the game would crash in the start up menu in both jailbroken or non-jailbroken stages. I am currently using A-bypass which functions perfectly in the 3.1b patch. I tried some other jailbreak bypass such as JBfly, vno, shadow, etc. All of them didn’t work. Does anyone have the same problem after updating to the new patch? Any suggestions?
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