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  1. Is there a tutorial or a guide that I can follow so I can RET the function?
  2. https://i.imgur.com/JpDLLcx.png Plex was recently updated with jailbreak detection. If you open the IPA in IDA, you will find these strings. https://i.imgur.com/SsPcUt4.png How would I make this return false everytime? I found what I need to patch/modify, but now I do not know what to do next. Plex also checks for known tweaked apps / files as well. Thank you!
  3. Thank you for your reply, is there any guides on how to do this?
  4. I have a tweak that I am trying to use on a non-jailbroken iPhone via sideload. The tweak CandyCrusher requires PreferenceLoader and when I open the app it crashes. If you extract the tweak with ESign you can see the frameworks that it depends on, which is "MobileSubstrate" and "PrefrenceLoader". Going into the directory named "PreferenceBundles" then opening the CrusherPrefs.plist lets you enable what you want from the plist. How can I fix the tweak so it works on non-jailbroken devices? Download for tweak + extracted files are available here: https://safelinking.net/13wwRTD Thank you!
  5. Thank you for this
  6. does this still work? it's from 2017 but thank you for this crack, hopefully you can crack the newer version of TweetBot as well.
  7. If the decrypted IPA store is causing all these problems, then do you know how to decrypt IPAs downloaded from the app store? I used Apple Configurator because you can download IPAs straight from the app store but the only con about using this is that every IPA you download is encrypted. I have a Windows computer and a macbook as a laptop, so I can try whatever you suggest on either. And no, my iPhone is not available for jailbreak yet.
  8. Yes the IPA is decrypted, I used the armconverter website to download the IPA. When will sideloadly have certificate support?
  9. As of now (6/26/2022) there is no cert support for sideloadly so I have to upload the IPAs I want to sign to appDB's "MyAppStore" AppDB's Satella-Jailed is currently outdated so I am injecting the latest version of Satella-Jailed + the Orion Framework into an IPA that is decrypted: But when I try to install the IPA, the follow error message shows up: I know for a fact that this IPA works perfectly fine without injected dylibs and sideloaded from appdb. If I disable "Cydia Substrate" will this fix the problem? Thank you!
  10. Is there a way to make this hack work with non-jailbroken devices?
  11. Do you know when support for .p12 and other certificates will be added to Sideloadly?
  12. I have just bought an apple dev certificate and provisioning file from UDIDRegistrations, is it possible to use this with sideloadly to sign apps with the certificate? I still must wait around 72 hours to try and see if it would work. Thank you!
  13. I was looking at the armdecryptor ipa downloader, how much does VIP cost? I'm not interested in the iOSGods app and only a armdecryptor ipa downloader
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