I figured out how the DLG hack tool works:
first of all, remember the value of what you would like to change, personally I'd like to change the quantity of my KStars, they are 25327.
Ready? Click on DLG and make sure "=" and "SInt" are highlighted.
Digit the value (25327 for me) in the SInt bar on the top of your screen and then click on "Search" on the right, the result will be "Found *numbers*", now just close the DLG tool and do something to increase/decrease the value (I did a Luxe Goal to increase my KStars).
Click on DLG again, delete your old value and digit your NEW one in the SInt bar (mine is 25338, because I got 11 KStars from my Luxe Goal).
Now you got a list of codes made of numbers and letters: just click on the "M" button and enter the value YOU WANT (I want to decrease my KStars, so I entered 100) and tap on "OK". Do this to the first four codes, then just go back to your KKH game because you're done! 😁