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  1. Yes, my progess saves only if I have internet. If I don't it'll revert to original cheat. Btw, how do you edit the player.json? For me it's all random characters and symbols that I don't understand.
  2. Thanks for the hard work! But the game gets really hard after stage 600+. Is there a way to modify the token? If so, can you share?
  3. Yeah, I played to stage 175, and all my progress was reset to origin cheat. Mmmm I don't know what to do. :?
  4. I'll, test it a bit more see if it continues to reset. If it does, do you have any suggestions to solve this issue? Anyways, nice cheat! Thanks buddy.
  5. For some reason when I copy the data and play, it doesn't save and always reset to level 5 with 10m gem/gold. Does anyone know how to fix this? Note: It also prompts an option to decide whether to start from level 5 or restore previous played and its annoying hah.
  6. Get it free: Free: Mammoth Interactive 5-Hour iOS Game Dev Bundle https://t.co/5XP1UB67QW via @toucharcade

  7. Download link broke ? It says file missing or removed.
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