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Posts posted by Wowowowww

  1. Hey I fixed my problem using theos auto installer from randy!! What I did is install the 11.4 sdk of 11.2 sdk change my mod make file from using 11.2sdk to 11.4. Lastly copied   cstdint from a GitHub repo (it will say it’s missing and you have to import it) and finally do the same for initializer list! THEN BOOM IT WORKED. Hope this helps someone in the future and happy modding :) 

  2. 2 hours ago, carpoa said:

    I think I found your issue:

    cp: target '/var/mobile/cv/.theos/obj/cv.dylib.af633153.unsigned': No such file or directory

    Yeah... on my older phone with unc0ver it works fine. Only problem is that it has bad battery life . Like I airdropped the cv folder to that fine nothing change and it compiled just fine. So its something with theos or dependencies it has but I’m not smart enough to figure that out haha.

    So I’m hoping someone know how to figure out how to fix this current problem I’m having  that’s causing this phone not to fully make the deb file while the other one does :/

  3. Update I deleted everything and tried to download auto theos installer on the zebra package manager and it WORKED. 

    Sadly another problem occur with the linking part on making my deb file 

    (How do I put a screenshots to show the error) 

    ixsm-64gb:~ mobile% cd cv
    ixsm-64gb:~/cv mobile% make package
    ===> Setting SYSROOT to /opt/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk/...
    ==> A newer version of the template is available!
    > Making all for tweak cv…
    ===> Setting SYSROOT to /opt/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk/...
    ===> Setting SYSROOT to /opt/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk/...
    ===> Setting SYSROOT to /opt/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk/...
    ==> Preprocessing Tweak.xm…
    ==> Compiling Tweak.xm (arm64)…
    ==> Linking tweak cv (arm64)…
    ld: warning: object file (/opt/theos/vendor/lib/libroot_oldabi.a(dyn.o)) was built for newer iOS version (7.0) than being linked (5.0)==> Stripping cv (arm64)…
    strip: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: /private/var/mobile/cv/.theos/obj/arm64/cv.dylib
    cp: target '/var/mobile/cv/.theos/obj/cv.dylib.af633153.unsigned': No such file or directory
    make[2]: *** [/opt/theos/makefiles/instance/library.mk:51: /var/mobile/cv/.theos/obj/cv.dylib.af633153.unsigned] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [/opt/theos/makefiles/instance/library.mk:37: internal-library-all_] Error 2
    make: *** [/opt/theos/makefiles/master/rules.mk:146: cv.all.tweak.variables] Error 2
    ixsm-64gb:~/cv mobile% 

  4. On 5/22/2024 at 5:29 AM, Yo nehal said:

    same i was thinking pointer hack were u can point  and the item quantity u can hack,its not possible in IGG, They may do it in future

    Uhh so I found out it is possible but you have to do manually by copying the int64 values(pointer value/ int value) and converting it into a hexadecimal (the pointer location/hex value) hope that makes sense very bad at explaining 

  5. So being on Taurine right now Theos auto installer worked super fine at a point of time but then I got that apt bug and accidentally reset of frustration (forgot about the apt fix button in settings :/). Now that isn’t working so I tried to follow the Theos installation tutorial from the website. Everything downloaded and but when it tries to actually install Theos into the /opt/Theos directory it gets a permission denied :( someone please assist me!

  6. On 10/16/2023 at 12:59 PM, Shiny Shizou said:

    Would a normal alert be sufficent for your needs?


    SCLAlertView *alert = [[SCLAlertView alloc] initWithNewWindow];
    [alert showNotice:NSSENCRYPT("Title") subTitle:NSSENCRYPT("Content") closeButtonTitle:NSSENCRYPT("Close") duration:0.0f];


    Basically I did that but with show success I will try to use shownotice and tell you the result sometime tomorrow  👍

  7. So I use this struct with others games no problem but with some games we don’t have the correct string method which is 

    CreateString(sbyte* value)

    some im wondering is there a alternative method we could use to allow us to modify strings as I seen a method signature similar to the one provided above

    CreateString(sbyte* value, int startIndex,int length)

    so I’m just wondering if anyone else figured out a solution to this 

    Sorry for typos!! 

    Update for android there a fix for this using bynamemodding but no known fix for iOS yet :(

  8. Got this error and I have no idea how to fix it so hoping someone had this similar issue but with a solution :)



    Compiling Tweak.xm (arm64)…

    In file included from Tweak.xm:2:

    /var/mobile/ant/unity.h:7:10: error: redefinition of 'getRealOffset'

    uint64_t getRealOffset(uint64_t offset){


    /var/mobile/ant/Macros.h:33:10: note: previous definition is here

    uint64_t getRealOffset(uint64_t offset){


    In file included from Tweak.xm:2:

    /var/mobile/ant/unity.h:8:19: error: arithmetic on a pointer to the function type 'intptr_t (uint32_t)' (aka 'long (unsigned int)')

            return ASLR_BIAS + offset;

                   ~~~~~~~~~ ^

    /var/mobile/ant/unity.h:225:65: error: expected expression

            void *unkptr0 = *(void **)(ASLR_BIAS + /*SECOND LOCATION HERE*/);


    3 errors generated.

    make[3]: *** [/theos/makefiles/instance/rules.mk:289: /var/mobile/ant/.theos/obj/arm64/Tweak.xm.ab3b5956.o] Error 1

    make[2]: *** [/theos/makefiles/instance/library.mk:52: /var/mobile/ant/.theos/obj/arm64/ant.dylib] Error 2

    make[1]: *** [/theos/makefiles/instance/library.mk:37: internal-library-all_] Error 2

    make: *** [/theos/makefiles/master/rules.mk:119: ant.all.tweak.variables] Error 2

  9. As in the title you should know my problem I’m trying to make a function pointer for a static function. I know static functions don’t have a instances so I’ll  show what I did

    void (*premium)(bool a1);

    so boom a static function with a bool parameter but when I try to compile I get a error saying undeclared identifier when I try to call it. So if anyone can assist me it would be great. 

  10. On 10/2/2022 at 2:17 PM, Saitama said:

    // RVA: 0x1616D58 Offset: 0x1616D58 VA: 0x1616D58
    public void ClaimDaily() { }

    il2cpp:0000000001616E3C                 ADRP            X22, #Puntos_TypeInfo@PAGE ; Puntos_TypeInfo
    il2cpp:0000000001616E40                 ADD             X22, X22, #Puntos_TypeInfo@PAGEOFF ; Puntos_TypeInfo
    il2cpp:0000000001616E44                 LDR             X0, [X22] ; Puntos_TypeInfo
    il2cpp:0000000001616E48                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xE0]
    il2cpp:0000000001616E4C                 CBNZ            W8, loc_1616E58
    il2cpp:0000000001616E50                 BL              j__il2cpp_runtime_class_init_0
    il2cpp:0000000001616E54                 LDR             X0, [X22] ; Puntos_TypeInfo
    il2cpp:0000000001616E58 loc_1616E58                             ; CODE XREF: Anniv2$$ClaimDaily+F4↑j
    il2cpp:0000000001616E58                 LDR             X8, [X0,#0xB8]
    il2cpp:0000000001616E5C                 LDR             W9, [X8,#0x1A0]

    X8  -> public class Puntos : MonoBehaviour // TypeDefIndex: 704
    W9 -> public static int a2day; // 0x1A0


    // RVA: 0x17D1F14 Offset: 0x17D1F14 VA: 0x17D1F14
    public void ClaimQuest(int index) { }

    il2cpp:00000000017D208C                 LDR             X0, [X23] ; Puntos_TypeInfo
    il2cpp:00000000017D2090                 LDR             W8, [X0,#0xE0]
    il2cpp:00000000017D2094                 CBNZ            W8, loc_17D20A0
    il2cpp:00000000017D2098                 BL              j__il2cpp_runtime_class_init_0
    il2cpp:00000000017D209C                 LDR             X0, [X23] ; Puntos_TypeInfo
    il2cpp:00000000017D20A0 loc_17D20A0                             ; CODE XREF: Quests$$ClaimQuest+180↑j
    il2cpp:00000000017D20A0                 LDR             X8, [X0,#0xB8]
    il2cpp:00000000017D20A4                 LDR             X0, [X8,#0xC30]

    X8  -> public class Puntos : MonoBehaviour // TypeDefIndex: 704
    W9 -> public static List<Quest> misiones; // 0xC30

    Class Puntos is looks like a static Singleton


    Do you think its possible to use this static singleton with function pointers to modify the float fields? that’s really my main goal

  11. Ok so the game is pocket ants very easy to modify with hex patches but now I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible with function pointers and stuff like that.

    So I figured out a lot of useful fields (ints,floats,etc.)come from this class called Puntos problem is that in this game almost all fields from the other classes are just gameobjects,sprites,(basically no way to reference it as far as I know )

    so I looked further via ida and I notice almost every class that related to changing values from Puntos  had this thing called Puntos_info in it and which it did ADRP x20,#Puntos_info@page then ADD... @pageoff then it would have a tbnz that would go to another area where it loaded the(ldr x0,[x20 or another x2#]=Puntos_typeinfo) Puntos_typeinfo then did this Ldr w8,[x0,#0xe0] after this a cbnz which if not nz then it would return but if is z it call some like this j_1l2cpp_runtime_class_init_0 then loads Puntos_typeinfo again also I can’t figure out what this 0xe0 really I checked dump.cs and fake .dlls and nothing is here that relates to that 

    But Point is somehow Puntos is being referenced and I want to know if it’s possible to use it for function pointers so I can edit this useful field mostly the floats as it’s hard to edit them with arm64 without constantly crashing 


    more info : Puntos seems to be some obfuscate thing as from the functions in the class

    and game uses unityframework

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