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Status Updates posted by Jumadas

  1. iPhone 6s Plus with ios 10.2 jailbreak = best combination ever

  2. i want this site to give trail vip 1 monyh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grim-Reaper


      why would u want to be a waffle ;-;

    3. Grim-Reaper


      I have failed this comment box.

    4. 0xWeiss


      Lmfao. So everyone could create new accounts every month..

    5. gone123


      No..... It's against the rules and staff can see your IP which means that 2 accounts on the same IP = 2 accounts from the same person = perma ban = illuminati COMFIRMED

    6. Grim-Reaper


      What if i told i use a fake ip.

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