Ultra Instinct Goku would slaughter Black. Goku Black was powerful, but he is around Toppo’s level, give or take. UI Goku is above even Jiren, who is so far above Toppo it’s not even funny. The power of UI Goku’s ki, his strength, speed, and his reaction time are all off the charts. By the time of the Tournament of Power, Goku is strong enough that he could fight Black on equal footing, more or less, and can become even more powerful with the Kaioken, which he can use to amplify his power in Super Saiyan Blue to 20 times that of normal. SSB X20 was unable to land a single hit on Jiren when he and Goku first fought. And this was a Jiren who was barely tapping into his power.
On the other hand, when Goku completed Ultra Instinct, he could easily overwhelm Jiren when he was at full power. He was even capable of beating Jiren after Jiren broke through his limits, though Goku was on the defensive for most of the fight.
UI Goku is just too fast, too strong and too powerful for Black to even compare to. So UI Goku would win.