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  1. @Laxus idk if it’s only me having this problem but when using the mod menu and turning on all items are free so i can use it on kollections it’ll show as it costs 0 kash but once you try for another spin it shows it costs 2355370389 kash and if you press it it’ll say you don’t have enough kash so it won’t let you spin.
  2. @Laxus Update is out.If you can please update when you have a moment 🙏🏻 Tysm for your hard work!
  3. Hey! I’d love to learn. I can message you if you’d like.
  4. Yes. It’s because of that mini update, so the mod menu needs to be updated as well.
  5. New update is out @Zahir , when you have a chance please!
  6. New update is out @Zahir, whenever you have a chance please 🥲
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