Hacked App: The Sims FreePlay Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ea.games.simsfreeplay_na&hl=in
Hack Requirements:
- Market Unlocker
- Freedom
Hack Features: - Buy Everything
- U can get VIP lv 15
Hack Download Link:
[Hidden Content]
Installation Instructions:
STEP 1: Download all APK on hidden content and than instal it. STEP 2: Open the market unlocker first and active the enable unlocker. STEP 3: Open Freedom and click Sims Freeplay. STEP 4: On game buy something you want. STEP 5: For first buy it will be failed, when u click again u will succes buy that item!
NOTE: It can Work For IOS to if your the save is linked with fb and u login with save data could and than u hack from Android Emulator like nox, memu, etc.
Hack Video: The Video On Hidden Content.