Thank you for such a useful article. I think it will be useful for many users of this site. I've been looking for a similar article for a long time, but I couldn't find exactly where everything is written with a detailed explanation (like yours). I have been planning to create my own small application for a long time. I already have a completely ready design, I even chose the font that I will use. Now, thanks to you, I can finally make my idea a reality. I create these applications for my own personal needs, so I think it will be useless for other users. I hope I succeed!Thank you for such a useful article. I think it will be useful for many users of this site. I've been looking for a similar article for a long time, but I couldn't find exactly where everything is written with a detailed explanation (like yours). I have been planning to create my own small application for a long time. I already have a completely ready design, I even chose the font that I will use, this is Now, thanks to you, I can finally make my idea a reality. I create these applications for my own personal needs, so I think it will be useless for other users. I hope I succeed!