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  1. Hi @Oxygen @Zahir Were you ever able to look into this?
  2. @Puddin hello, so the keys do not work either, so you can’t read for free. Would you be able to fix this along with the clothes choices being free too? thank you in advance! 🤗
  3. Hi @Puddin and thanks again for this hack, what some of the other user were saying is still happening though. The diamonds are still working like the regular game from the App Store. Could you please fix this. Thanksss 🤗🤗🤗
  4. Hey thanks for the hack, but the ‘watch ad’ button isn’t working it just only says loading and that is with or without the plug-in downloads. Can you fix it please? Thanks again 😊
  5. Hey everyone try to make sure you hit the request update at the bottom, we can only hit it once but it may help us get an update sooner. I’m also trying to figure out how to put in another request for it.
  6. Aw woow that completely sucks! Thanks for telling me tho, hopefully someone finds a way to hack this game for real. I guess in the meantime there is no reason to keep this app, I’ll just have to look for others that may work😖😢. If I find any I post them here but from what I know Chapters and Whispers were the only ones that were pretty good but neither looks like they will be updated anytime soon 😫.
  7. Yea it doesn’t seem to work for this app, I was trying to ask if someone who probably knows more about igg can try to use the tool and tell me if it works but no one has yet. 😣
  8. iGameGod doesn’t seemed to be working on the Chapters: interactive stories app. I downloaded it through the iosGods app+ So I wasn’t sure, is this a bug your still working on or does the cheat engine just not work for this game? @Rook @iGamegod #iGamegod
  9. I tried to use iGameGod for the diamonds hack but it didn’t work, or at least I couldn’t get it to. Has anyone else tried, did it work for you? Or have you found anything else that would work to get unlimited diamonds?
  10. Cant wait to try this, this works with non-jail broken phones too right or only jail broken ones?
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