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Posts posted by godfather9797

  1. 1 hour ago, gogigogi1 said:

    u nub :D
    im just complete all waves of first stage kill boss and come on second on JAILED ipa
    and on JB i complete waves  from seconds stage kill boss (too fast turn on always win) and come on third stage :D

    Thanks for your replay
    i think it's my mistake when I make the first run with godmode and OHK turn on and always win turn off , that is why i'm stuck with stage one forever

  2. 20 minutes ago, gogigogi1 said:

    uploaded new file try now

    still the same error notlikethis

    Install failed!:
    ERROR: Install failed. Got error "DeviceNotSupportedByThinning" with code 0x00000000: Device iPhone9,3 not in SupportedDevices list for si.958CBD57166F6B0451B7F6689F37BDF1.com.godzilabgames.IdleRPG : (


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