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  1. Name of the game you want hacked: speed light Version of the game: v. 14 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/speedlight/id1519467733 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jail broken Requested Features: free app price is 23.99 https://speedlight.io
  2. Was at the beach I’m a heavy guy like(fat) 425 lbs, there was sand up to the shore line then where the water started there where like small like gravel rocks, well anyways never been to this beach before I got out in the water and as I stepped on the rock my body started to sink through them up to my knees as the waves crashed into me I was only like 4 feet in I was stuck I had to yell for the life guard it was soo embarrassing like 4 people had to help me get back on the sand.
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