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    iPhone 14 Pro Max
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    Berlin, Germany
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    Minecraft and VIDEO GAMES
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  1. So, I tried to install some hacked IPA apps from the Non-jailbroken IPA section. Installing these IPAs has always worked for me until now. When I try to install any IPA with Cydia Impactor, I get this silly error. provision.cpp:81 ios/addAppId =9313 The 'Network Extensions' feature is only available to users enrolled in Apple Developer Program. Please visit https://developer.apple.com/programs/ to enroll. Never needed this before, please help. I have tried with 2 different Apple IDs to no avail. Thanks.
  2. Yeah I just made a hack that's pretty much the same as yours but with a coin/diamond limit of 15,000
  3. Saved me thanks
  4. My Facebook hacked

    1. KFCzZz
    2. ___Aaki___


      This is why 2 factor authentication comes in handy

    3. Sasha.
  5. Cmon how could you forget MinecraftPE it works
  6. http://dl.hiapphere.com/data/icon/201404/HiAppHere_com_com.mojang.minecraftpe.png Name of app you want hacked: Minecraft: Pocket Edition Version of the app: 0.15.10 (latest) iTunes URL for the app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minecraft-pocket-edition/id479516143?mt=8 Requested features: Mod Menu that works in online servers with features such as: Aimbot Killaura Reach Hack BowAimbot Fly Speed Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Thank you very much!
  7. Trying to figure out how to hack FIFA

    1. Valkyrix


      Server Sided..

    2. Sasha.


      Not currency but things like FORCE_IDEAL_SHOT and FORCE_GK_MISS. Nobody seems to tell me how so I'm trying myself.

    3. Valkyrix


      Ohhh i see, Best of luck then!

  8. Going to try this.
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