So Ive been trying to hook an array for enemy players through photon. I used this header that I found on GitHub:
template <typename T>
struct monoArray
void* klass;
void* monitor;
void* bounds;
int max_length;
void* vector [1];
int getLength()
return max_length;
T getPointer()
return (T)vector;
I used this hook and pointer for the function I was trying to hook:
monoArray<void *> *(*PhotonNetwork_get_OtherPlayers)() = (monoArray<void *> *(*)())getRealOffset(0x1018291A8);
monoArray<void **> *otherPlayers = PhotonNetwork_get_OtherPlayers();
for (int i = 0; i < otherPlayers->getLength(); ++i)
void *ePlayerr = otherPlayers->getPointer()[i];
//run my code for the hack im trying to do. examples = telekill, masskill, scale players ect..
I get this error tho:
Tweak.xm:531:21: error: cannot initialize a variable of type
'monoArray<void **> *' with an rvalue of type 'monoArray<void *> *'
monoArray<void **> *photonplayers = PhotonNetwork_get_OtherPlayers();
How do I fix this? Already tried on my own and looking it up, Just gave me even more errors