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Posts posted by Rodnex

  1. 16 hours ago, Archangel04 said:

    I fixed the raid issue, but damage over time effects now effect you unlike the previous iteration. Which one do you guys prefer?

    They aren't multiplied or anything but they do effect you

    DoT arent any problem I think! 

    Thank you archangel!

  2. 1 hour ago, Archangel04 said:

    Because Alicia has a lower base speed than Lushen. But my hack sets all of them to a high base speed and all are equal, so now it's upto runes

    Good to know - thanks :) 


    it is a mess that they are speedtuned :D but I can live with it

  3. 3 hours ago, Archangel04 said:

    Oh ok

    That's probably cuz of the new method I used to unlink damage

    For now, please disable godmode when boss is groggy please?

    Unless you're autoing it in which case rip. Just wait

    Just use Speedboost without godmode in rift - works the same.. you wont get any dmg.


    how does the speedboost work?

    I noticed if I use my AO with speedboost the turnorder is different.

    Leo - Bastet - Lushen - Alicia without speedboost


    Leo - Bastet - Alicia - Lushen is when I enable speedboost.

  4. 1 hour ago, Archangel04 said:

    As for lagg, there's nothing that i noticed on my end but it may not be the same for everyone.

    The delay should not be more than a few milliseconds per hit and shouldn't be noticeable

    I have literally no idea what you mean. If you're talking about Damage over time effects, it effected us earlier as well

    Fight against a Halphas - his lifesteal can kill you now - which isnt even possible if you dont use cheats! 

    Bolverks ult can kill you

    NB10 reflected dmg from golems comes trough


    speedboost doesnt work for me even after chaning the value few times

  5. 47 minutes ago, Archangel04 said:

    This hack is now updated to App Store version 5.0.2 :)

    Conqueror 3 without hacks is actually quite impressive imo

    Thanks for update - Im using it to speed up my runs or be more safe for autoing stuff. :) 


    Dragalia isnt available in germany..

  6. 31 minutes ago, Fedaykin said:

    he'll update it..lets just wait..also as mentioned above, dont buy VIP for only 1 hack..

    How many games do you play to cheat in multiple games? SW takes almost all my free time I have to play - and Im just C3 (global) wirhout cheats.. 

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