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Everything posted by Flork_

  1. Did you hide the jailbreak yet? If not, try hiding it The VNG version is rarely banned, almost never banned. I've been playing since last season and it's still normal
  2. i think you should just turn on the antenna can enable many functions that will cause the game to crash
  3. iGG only works with MP. If you turn it on in BR mode it will crash the game I already have the radar map hack but for some reason I'll share it next season
  4. hình như vài máy bị vài máy bth á bác ơi em chơi vẫn bth mà
  5. are not. The VNG version is the one with the lowest risk of bans
  6. I don't know what device you are using i have tested it on my ip6 ios 12.5.4, my friend's ipXs ios 14.8 and ip8+ still works fine
  7. Are you sure the version you are playing is VNG ? If that doesn't work try checking the jailbreak detection blockers and turn them off. Me and a few of my friends are playing normally and without any bugs
  8. This is the old version I'm updating to the latest version please wait
  9. Hello everyone, I want to encode offsets and hex when using vm_writeData I tried Ted'2's Obfuscate.h file but it failed. Can someone help me?
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