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  1. how much matches did u play
  2. can someone tes t only standing antena code?
  3. anti bann code is not working.
  4. Hi, Ive been reading alot of members comments sayin they have been banned using dlg/igg codes. Some people are saying that they got banned even using only the grass code and the antenta (which should be safe to use). Ive been posting comments asking if the hack is still safe to use but there was no answer. So Im asking here; Is pubg dlg codes still safe to use (not the crazy ones [grass, antenta walking/running,speed])? does having anti jailbreak detection helps? is there a way to bypass the ban system? BUT most importantly what codes are safe to use ? Thanks.
  5. are you using it on jailbroken phone? try using the grass code with 1 instead 2.5
  6. are you using Liberty / xcon to block jailbreak detection?
  7. what code did you use? is it still safe with the recent update? @iGods
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