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  • iDevice
    iPhone 5s
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  • Jailbroken
  • Android Device
    Sony experia Z2
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  • Interests
    Some hacked games with no jailbreak
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  1. help, i can restore my save data, but it alwas crash in 1 minute. even on the legit app. what happend?
  2. Help , my original game always crash whenever i try to collcet item from shop and trying clearing bunker alfa . Or even when im at home it getting crash . What happen?
  3. why after i restore my game, and i check the setting. and it said that ny GC account didnt connect. every time i click connect it doesnt show up anything
  4. Dont. Get suprised bro . I saw many website giving free mod . But the only Last day on earth mod for ios is here . Thats way everybody demands for updating the app . For android theres so many FREE mod . Such as modsapk,apklover,AGs. Most of us here showing our desprate for ldoe mod . Thats why i said to buy the vip , and dont beg agin for the mod cause maybe they not updating it. Maybe on next 1.5.5 or 1.6.0 and dont you ever suprised about free mod . And chek out that site for proof . They are giving free mod everyday .
  5. Dont waste your time guys . There will not be more hacks . Unless you buy the VIP and JB your device . Its all about money . Everybody needs money bro . Just pay the VIP and JB your device , or use android theres alotttt a loott FREE hacks . A lots. So just forget this game bro . Or buy android device . I already bought sony for this game . Dont beg for hacks , dont waste your time . Hope you guys enjoy your life . And if you really wants the hack just buy the VIP . And dont judgee zahir and the mod . They are really legend on modding . I found their name in many forum in many modded apk. Just buy the VIP there will not be free non JB LDOE hack
  6. I like your style bro , brave enough to say that in this forum . Nice one bro
  7. i think they're focusin on the VIP section, so lets hope they will see us on next update..
  8. And dida made a topic about what else we wanna add to LDOE hack , the maker ask us what to put to the hack , what we want . And you tell us that we asking too much? Hahahaha who the hell are you btw brooo!! , dida allow us to ask more hack and he made a Post about that . Whats wrong with you? In your period?
  9. If you really want to explain to me , why you act like you so tough and you have power here? You use (!) to me . And like i said way before . I already use the ios ninja one and it runs smoothly . But now they only give us the in app hack . Dont act like a tough guy online bro hahaha . I will be calm if from the start you show me some polite attitude . You always use (!) to me from the start . Using (!) is not good in my culture so if you wanna explaine to some one then Do it in Polite way . I dont mind if you wanna fight me in real world . like i said way before that i can use the +5 hacks . From ios god i already use that but we cant go outside the base . So i craft it IN the base and then it saved to my GC so i was very happy . And many of others member give such an informative news with polite way here . And then comes the 1.5.3 i just asking little bit and you said it too muuch? Who the hell are you bro? If they give accses to buy the vip with my county currency i would buy it anyway! Show me some respect son, dont be online tough guy , face me if you want
  10. Bro dont be so stubborn , i saw a post on the LDOE club that dida wont make +5 hack , cause most of the member lost them game save . And v. 1.5.4 is out now for android and soon for ios devices . So lets hope they change their mind and give us back the +5 hacks and i hope we more responsible. About crafting unreleased stuff. And stop using ! To me . You no tough guy bro
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