I have a .ipa of a scientific app (huge 858mb app) that an ex friend gave me many years ago that I am trying to get working on an Ipad mini running 9.3.5 that I have jail broken (or even old iphone 3gs if possible). My friend purchased this app many years ago on the app store and used copytrans to copy the .ipa from his device to give to me. I have never installed this app on any of my devices up until now. The problem is when I try and run this app on my Ipad, the app tries to verify by connecting to the App Store - saying that a connection to the app store is required for the first launch of the app. When it can't verify, the app won't run. I have tried to crack the app with Clutch 2.0.4 and Remote rasticrac, but get the errors show below. Unfortunately I can't even buy this old app, as the company who created it no longer exists and it is no longer on the app store. How can this be cracked to run, or is it not even possible?
I have spend hours trying to get this working, so if anyone could help with suggestions I would be very grateful.
Clutch 2.0.4 error
I get the below error in Clutch when following this tutorial
Error: could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!?
Error: Failed to dump <myapp> with arch armv6
Remote rasticrac error
I get the below error in Remote rasticrac when following this tutorial
Found My app
Trying to do main executable
Info: MonsterX02 <6-9-0>
Error: RastDecrypted Err137 <9 on9>
Note: iDevice is 935 and execuitable is 30
End of RemoteRasticrac Session...OK
Talking...pcp: wildcard REMOTEout.zip matched no files
SSH KO <1>
Found: 1; Done: 0; Errors: 1.