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Status Updates posted by BionixPwn

  1. Apple of Eve!

    These are the #AppleEvent start times in various cities around the world! 

    Will you be watching the event?


    1. Laxus


      I aint buying any so no, prefer sleeping since the event is in my midnight

    2. KyosukeNanbu


      Roughly 2 hours!

  2. Cheat Mod Menu Issue-nothing pop up or showing up on any game after updating all 8 libs by Procorsus in Sileo! Results is messed! Do I need to re-jailbreak?! Elekit Reinstall to Reboot Device?! Or maybe Igamegod injector issue! Idk!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BionixPwn


      There are 3 versions of odcctools! 9 and 10?!

    3. KyosukeNanbu


      973.0.1-1 is working, don’t use 10

    4. BionixPwn


      f***ing hell! Fixed and Sorted! You’re my f***in life saver Bro! Appreciate your help @KyosukeNanbu!  I love you Bro!

    5. KyosukeNanbu


      Haha glad I could help bro! Happy modding! 

    6. BionixPwn


      Thanks for your time and effort Bro! Back in business! 

  3. Dopamine Rootless JB Damage and Defense Multiplier Compatibility! Just update Elekit through Sileo! 

    1. KyosukeNanbu


      Yes sir! Wonderful things happening!

  4. How To Download Games for Delta Emulator iOS 

    1. In Safari browser, search in Google the game you want, then "ROM Download" after. For example, if I want Super Mario Advance 4, I search into Google "Super Mario Advance 4 ROM Download".

    2. Tap any site and find the "Download" or "Save Game" button. I reccomend EmulatorGames .net, but some consoles my not be on that site, so you need to use an alternative.

    2a. Check the game downloaded is in .zip format. If it's .rar, .7z, you need to use another site. If it's a format like .nds, .gba, that is ok. Just use another site if the following step won't work.

    3. Open Delta, tap the "+" at the top right, then "Files". Locate the game you downloaded in "Recents", or tap "Browse" > On My iPhone > Downloads, or Browse > iCloud Drive > Downloads. The location of the game will be different if you don't use Safari browser.

    4. The game will be added to the Delta home screen. Just tap the game to open and enjoy!

    5. Check the replies to add DS BIOS files to Delta. They are required for DS games to load. No BIOS needed for other platforms

  5. Phishing Attack Beware-If you're getting dozens of password reset notifications, you're being attacked

    1. Rook


      Are they iOSGods emails or other websites?

    2. BionixPwn


      iPhone,iPad iOS etc @Rook! Here’s the link from reliable source 


    3. tien0246


      I have just received a login request notification originating from China PepeHmm

    4. BionixPwn
    5. Rook


      Make sure you have unique and strong passwords!

  6. Dopamine 2.0 Discussion with Opa334 on Twitter X hosted by David Burn aka Apple Attack 


  7. The Jailbreak Hub posted on Twitter X! Opa334 agreed to Join with the JB Discussion! Come join us this Sunday at 1:00 PM EST where we’ll be talking with @opa334dev about Dopamine and other related things!

    1. BionixPwn
    2. Puddin


      No offence bro but I don’t really care lol

    3. tien0246


      where can i watch it

  8. Dopamine 2.0 teasers!Opa334 says they've been using it for a while now instead of Serotonin!

  9. Dopamine 2.0!

    So the new support table is:

    A15-A16: 15.0 - 16.5
    A12-A14: 15.0 - 16.5.1
    A9-A11: 15.0 - 16.6.1

    1. JaackR


      not yet available?


    2. Puddin
  10. Opa334 posted again IiPadOS Dopamine 2.0 M2 15.0 - 16.5
    M1 15.0 - 16.5.1

    1. Rook


      Damn. Maybe it's finally time I upgrade my 2017 iPad

    2. BionixPwn


      February Jailbreak! Let’s Go!

  11. Opa334 posted 🔥🔥Dopamine 2.0 will definitely support:
    15.0 - 16.5 arm64e
    15.0 - 16.6.1 arm64

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Puddin


      Nice bro 

    3. BionixPwn


      I have a feeling gonna drop s0n

    4. BionixPwn
    5. Rook


      iPhone 16 jailbreak when support?

    6. BionixPwn


      iPhone 16?! 

  12. Xina Published iOS 16 for modern devices 

    The PPL bypass exploit.🔥🔥🔥

    iOS 16.x

    1. Rook


      Wen eta JB :frantic:

    2. BionixPwn


      ETA kids?! Are you kidding meeh🤣🤣

    3. Rook
    4. BionixPwn


      You are the IOSgods Father of ETA Members here🤣🤣

    5. Laxus


      not a fan of xina, most cheat doesn't work, so no hype for me

  13. iOS 16.0 – 16.5 Springboard Tweak Injection Is Coming Soon!
    Aside from this, we can also inject tweaks into any app now, which can modify the behavior of apps allowing mods and tweaked apps and games to be made just like on a traditional jailbreak.

    1. happy2541


      wow, this sound wicked, if the hooks will be supported my dream will come true  ❤️

  14. Today or tomorrow possiblyHtrowii has achieved springboard injection on iOS 16.4.1, arm64e

    It’s being paired with @RootHideDev bootstrap for app tweak injection

    1. Puddin


      Now we just need a 17.0 kernel exploit :D 

    2. Laxus


      Still waiting for a complete jb, not seperated trollstore bootstrap etc. ..

    3. BionixPwn


      Yeah that’s why I didn’t install anything for now to avoid Bootlooping! I already removed the Bootstrap lots of errors and issues👈

  15. Evelyne deactivated her account? Possibly because of the eta kids? Reddit Jailbreak!!Stop asking and bothering the Devs Kiddos!

    1. Laxus


      Gotta live with it, leave the scene or work in silent behind the scene

  16. Tweaks List Dopamine RootHide Supported and  Soon Dopamine 2.0 https://github.com/TweaksDev22/Tweakslist/pulls

  17. BREAKING: Opa confirms via Discord that Dopamine v2.0 will have 

    Arm64:15.0-16.7.4 (This is A9- A11 devices:Checkm8 compatible) 

    Arm64e: 15.0-16.5.1 (This is A12+, so most people)

    He also says that he won’t rush it! Hopefully it’s as stable is possible

    1. Flugel


      I hope it supports ios 15.7.7 😄

    2. BionixPwn


      Trusted and Confrmed! But someone from R/Jailbreak discord private chat had leaked this conversation and information that’s why Opa334 was upset!

    3. SnowGirl99


      Been dying for a jailbreak for 16.0! I stupidly updated from 15.5 to 16 to check out the new features awhile back and a week later is when TrollStore dropped and then a jailbreak dropped lol. So thankful for TrollStore 2! I miss having my 8plus ios12.5 jailbroken. It was a real shock to move from a jailbroken environment to my iPhone 13 Pro. I instantly loved the phone and regretted the decision at the same time. I really hope this pans out! It sounds so promising lately with the KTRR and puaf_landa  exploits coming on the scene! It’s getting so exciting in the jailbreak community! Let’s hope opa can work his magic!

    4. Rook


      God bless opa!

    5. BionixPwn


      He and his Dopamine our Last Resort 🙏🙏

  18. 🔥🧩The Bootstrap, created by RootHide, stands as a groundbreaking app, enabling users to use jailbreak tweaks and apps without an actual jailbroken environment on iOS 14 - iOS 17. Download it now 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BionixPwn


      Wait! Public test! Send! 


    3. BionixPwn


      Read the article carefully! Mostly user from iOS versions mentioned they already succeeded!

    4. xKingFatal


      Oh okk thank you

    5. Max-Q


      :dunno:Nothing for me.. Ios 17.0.2

    6. Firdaus Ariff

      Firdaus Ariff

      can i install igamegod with bootstrap? 

  19. #Jailbreak Status Update🚨

    It seems opa334dev inserted TTEs to map arbitrary PPL protected pages as writable🔥

    Insights from #37c3 conference & Kaspersky's iOS malware unveil hint at a new jailbreak for A12+ devices on iOS 15 & iOS 16.

    What's coming next! Stay Tuned!!

  20. Evelyne! BREAKING: Springboard Tweak injection with kfd and the CoreTrust bug from TrollStore 2 HAS BEEN ACHIEVED! 🥳

  21. For Making a Jailbreak Tweaks without a Jailbreak! Really?! How to GET COPYLOG WITHOUT A JAILBREAK iOS 16/iOS 17! [REAL TWEAK!

    1. Puddin


      I just purchased this :D 

    2. BionixPwn


      Hey share it ! Do crack version! Sharing is loving!

  22. LOADS of JB Goodies!🕵️alfiecg_dev the developer behind TrollStore 2.0  announced that tweak injection support for TrollStore 2.0 is coming soon. Inject tweaks into any app without decryption or system apps on the root filesystem 🗞️🔥

    1. Rook


      Damn! Where did all these new stuff come from?!

    2. Max-Q


      :dunno:I just want to see it. would be new Era for cheat/tweak users....

    3. BionixPwn


      Tomorrow is Big Day! Jailbreak and kernel IOS 16 Newer devices unveil! 

    4. BionixPwn
  23. Hope For Good Luck! Tomorrow's the big day 👀💪


  24. Jailbreak and kernel debugging is coming to new iPhones! (Apple A12-A16 SoC’s < iOS 16.6)

    1. Troy8170


      im on 16.6.1 any news for that?

    2. BionixPwn


      No worries 3 Devs for now are working and trying their best 16.0 up to 17,0 modern devices tweeted same! More updates coming soon 

    3. BionixPwn
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