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  1. Works fine. unfortunately, the time machine function is not working
  2. Thanks but the game crashed unfortunately EDIT: just had to uninstall and reinstall the game and it works. Like CG asks lol
  3. Just tried on iPhone XR, 15.7. My iPhone is semi jailreaked so for the test, I did not activate the jailbreak. I've tried 2 methods: 1) Sideloadling by exporting IPA then installing through TrollStore 2) Sideloadling directly the game to the phone. Both methods are not working as the game crashes when a combat starts. So not working for now unfortunately... Hope iOS Gods will fix it soon !
  4. Before I've downloaded the hack, I made sure to install everything on the game. Then I downloaded the hack: it works fine on Dopamine 2.1.7. Just same as usual: instant skill is not working. Will try later on Taurine
  5. Wonderful, I will have a try then
  6. Maybe someone has already noticed it but in case, I will write it (again): DO NOT USE "1 Wave Only" or "Only 1 Encounter on All Missions" for TB !!! --> Yes you win, but it will only valid 1 wave, not all waves ! Only use it for event !
  7. OK I did the wrong installation. After the file was downloaded and saved on "Files", I tried to inject it directly through iGameGod. That is why it was not working ! --> Save first in Filza. Then only can you try to inject it through iGameGod. That way it works ! However, semi god will crash the game, it is not working. I did not try the one hit kill as it will ban people... Thanks for trying @Laxus ! Hope it can help other people ! EDIT: tried on iPad Air 4th Gen - 14.5.1 - Taurine 1.1.7-3 --> I have the following message: "Security Alert(code: 2) [sololv [dp]]" --> which means I can't play without Shadow Bypass. After installed and applied Shadow Bypass --> Still having the same message. So can't play with the .deb file. . Of course if I delete the .deb file and let Shadow Bypass, I can play the game.
  8. On iPhone XR V15.7, when I launch the game (so I just click on nothing), the game already crashes ... I did it on Dopamine 2.1.4, save the file in Filza then injected through iGameGod. EDIT 3: --> it actually work on Dopamine and with my iPhone. I just installed it thrgouh "Normal installation" and then "Injection", that is why it did not work. All good except stats, def and attack. EDIT: tried on iPad Air 4th Gen - 14.5.1 - Taurine 1.1.7-3 --> everything works except "Instant Skill". I did not try "1 Wave Only", "One Hit Kill Enemies". At least, it does not crash ! If it can help @Laxus Thanks a lot ! EDIT 2: 1 wave only is working
  9. When I press ok: the game is loading again from 0% to "Loading 100%" and will show the same message again and again. I tried to hit ok ten times ^^ I guess it is due to the iOS version 14.5.1 of my Ipad Air 4th Gen and TrollStore. I tried on my iPhone XR 15.7 and TrollStore: it is working ...
  10. “App Store authorization requiredTime: 27.09.2023 20:56:15, Platform: ¡OS, Version: 1.39.0161A7609-13A0-4712-8BE6-B5901 C07C5A0” thanks @Puddinfor your help ! Edit: As the other game, issue might be from my side
  11. Not working for me. Installed with Trollatore And having this issue: “App Store authorization required”. the game sends me this message when the app opens.
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