Hi I’m zippo I have been working for a long time on studying the development of software for ios for the last isalnd game, before that I made a dlg menu on adt island but at the moment I am working on a menu mod, for a week I have been studying IDA, dnspy, C # and today I was planning to start the first tests when I received ready-made offset, but alas, today I accidentally saw that you were ahead of me, your menu was released on August 4, yes, it's sad for me, because I wanted to revive ios hacks for last, but if so, I would like to ask you something, of course, if you don’t mind helping me in my endeavors, I would like to know if you yourself made a dump file or used already ready? and I also wanted to know how you check your offsets, because the live patcher does not work. thank you very much if you answer me