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  1. Yes i think it is. Cuz on the app store they released 8.6 with the description of “correct iphone error”
  2. Hello! I downloaded and played the old version of Monthly Idol. I think it was the very first Monthly Idol on the iosgods app. Then a new version came out. I updated the app and everything turned into a mess. My Characters are not showing. They’re just a white rectangular cutout and so are the clothes from the shop. I deleted the game and that goes my entire progress, which i dont mind losing. I reinstalled the new version, and it’s still white rectangular cutouts. Hair and fair from the shop is not showing up. Also the language was korean, but if u try to change it on the in-game setting it doesn’t do anything. I tried tapping english and tried to reboot the game, it’s still korean. Pls Fix. Thank you in advance ❤️
  3. I got the same problem. I didnt delete the game, and downloaded the new version. When I opened it, my characters are not showing. It was just a white rectangular cutout. And the language was korean. The face, hair and clothes are not showing too.
  4. Yes please!!! ❤️❤️❤️
  5. Hi I would like to request a game called Monthly Idol. I’ve played the (in-app purchases hack) on android. I hope there’s one too for ios or just unlimited diamonds or coins. app store link : https://itunes.apple.com/ph/app/monthly-idol/id1407604160?mt=8
  6. Hi! So I installed KimK Hollywood from the iOSGods App. it worked fine and the hack is doing great. But now it keeps crashing. I found out a temporary solution, by activating the hack and don’t tap anything until the ad comes on. Worked for a while but it keeps crashing now even if i dont or do “tap to activate hack”. Any solution?
  7. How to fix "ITUNES BACKUP MODULE NOT FOUND" error on ibackupbot?

    1. KFCzZz


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  8. OMG I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM, IVE BEEN DOING SAVE GAME HACKS FOR YEARS AND NOW I CANT HACK ANY OF MY GAMES BECAUSE OF THIS. PLEASE HELP. Im running on 10.3.3, i also tried to right click the main folder and restore with full restoration, still didnt work. HELP US WITH THIS "iTunes backup module is not found".
  9. Kendall & Kylie Hack Pls. Non JB

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