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Status Updates posted by theolaw

  1. Check the /r/jailbreak discord for updates on an iOS 10 and iOS 11 jailbreak! https://discord.gg/vArSwEF

  2. Rest in peace all the botters banned. I've been botting since the beginning on three accounts with realistic settings and with slow xp gain. And now, all around me, people are being banned in multitudes. That leaves me, unbanned, dominating the small town I live in.

    1. SwagMaster67


      What level are you? I never used a bot, but used Poke Go ++. So I am not banned. :D

    2. theolaw
    3. SwagMaster67


      Wow 29! I am only lvl 22. I only have one account.

    4. Jake1test1


      i didnt get banned ;c

    5. Kkura_Epyc


      I'm not yet banned. Lvl30 here Lol

  3. Thank you Pangu

  4. Anytime now Pangu...

  5. Waiting for anonymous to destroy ISIS resulting in a chain of catastrophic events such as Apple Inc. supporting jailbreaks

    1. AnotherLurker
    2. Dannyyy
    3. --Techarmor--
    4. Sakswa


      How is Apple supporting JBs, in any way, connected to ISIS?

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