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  1. Anyone found a way to unlock DLCs yet?
  2. Uninstalling Substitue / Cydia Substrate, RocketBootStrap or any core-jb files is just asking for a bricked device... don't do that. If you're desperate to get Wild Rift running just remove PROPERLY your jailbreak, there are plenty of guides on how to do so for your specific jailbreak. People, don't remove or mess with ESSENTIAL jailbreak files while you're jailbroken!
  3. Low probability, but there's a chance that Riot is rolling back those stupid changes introduced with version 3.2, after realising that Jailbroken user doesn't automatically translates to a cheater. (Not gonna test that with main account, i'll keep the bypass for now until it works).
  4. I played for around 20 minutes after i stopped getting the repetitive crashes, in that time no ban at all but i think that if you were to forget about the "setup" to play the game after some time, it would start crashing and i fear that the "is device / account jailbroken" info might be partially tied to the account rather than on the app's data: we're talking about Nexon, back when i used to play CombatArms on Win XP they had some of the most invasive installs ever... So yeah, if you plan to play this game for a while you'll have to remember to not open it before Choicy and KernBypass are setup in the right way. The guide is identical as for WR, i'll make a quick TL;DR only if you are on Unc0ver. Needed: AppsManager or equivalent tweak; Choicy; "Kernbypass (unofficial)" 0.0.5 from Ichitaso's repo; Your app for jailbreaking is still signed. 1) Uninstall any kind of bypass or configurators of tweak injection other than the ones listed above (check procedures for each tweak on their pages to do so safely); 2) Install AppsManager, Choicy, Kernbypass following their own procedures (if it asks a reboot, respring don't skip it) and set them up so that: tweak injection is disabled for your app, in Kernbypass your app is the target and "kernbypassd" process is enable (self-enable after a reboot + re-jailbreak); 3) Clear any trace of your app's data by using AppsManager, then delete (NOT offload) your app from the Springboard (wiggle mode, press " x " on the app icon); 4) Force reboot your device and re-jailbreak, make sure KernBypass is working in Settings; 5) Install your app from the AppStore again, DON'T OPEN YET: check if it's still targeted by KernBypass and if Choicy is still disabling tweak any injection to it. 6) Make sure you don't have any invasive (for example most cosmetic tweaks are so) tweaks loaded into SpringBoard and temporarily disable them if you do (tweaks that resize app window, add elements to it, disable in-app Safari...) 7) Test if the game works and if it does, enjoy. EDIT: Ah. Of course if you are on Taurine or any Libhooker jailbreak you'll have to follow the guide by replacing anything that involves "KernBypass" with the built-in "Libhooker configurator" that a user mentioned in the previous posts or, if that doesn't work, any bypass that's compatible with Taurine and your ios version. I think KernBypass is compatible as-well, but you got to follow the instructions on the tweak's repo page specific to your jailbreak and ios version to the letter, to avoid issues.
  5. Confirmed, doesn't crash anymore or shows any error even when trying to make a purchase.
  6. Thanks. Seems to work just fine for me without KernBypass or making special Choicy rules for it: just gives the message "illegal program detected" and instantly crashes when attempting to make a purchase, then the IRL to game currency part of the shop stops responding to interaction but the rest of the shop and the game progress just fine. This is on u0, 13.3 and not that many tweaks installed (less than 100). EDIT: oh yeah, now the "illegal program detected" message keeps appearing after a couple of minutes and game crashes, i see now what you meant. Lemme see if the method i posted before for WR works here too.
  7. No idea, but guess it should work since other than Fortnite after 2 years of jailbreaking Wild Rift was the only game that would persistently crash and this fixed it. Got a link for the app or its full name so that i try it for you?
  8. [img=https://imgur.com/a/xtGFEH9] Possible translation: "We're thinking about reverting the drastic changes of version 3.2 in the following updates, given that blocking ios jailbroken users and rooted, non-PlayStore, non-GalaxyStore android users had minimum to 0 efficacy in dealing with cheating: on the contrary we've seen a substantial decrease in IAP revenue. We couldn't have possibly foreseen this outcome, since our team is made of complete amateurs on android, ios and the mobile ecosystem in general."
  9. Got to - install kernbypass and choose WR as target app, disable all tweak injection for WR in Choicy, - close WR if open, clear all data of WR from AppsManager, - uninstall (NOT offload) WR and force reboot device just in case, - re-jb from u0 or Taurine or jb method of choice and make sure that Kernbypass is working in settings, - now install and test WR. It should work just fine if you don't skip any passage and don't have any invasive (UI, cosmethic, load into SpringBoard) tweaks that ignore Choicy. For example, even if these tweaks are non-invasive and don't load into WildRift specifically, they're enabled while the game is running and could be picked up by it somehow - Ultrasound, - ProperLockGestures, - MilkyWay2, - DarkShot, - ProperCCBackgroundiPad, - HideBarX.
  10. OP, could you please edit the first post by quoting the 2 messages with the KernBypass method for unc0ver users, and Libhooker configurator for Taurine ones?
  11. After it crashes for the first time you got to repeat the process, as the app's data now logged that this device is jailbroken. Try this, don't skip any passage: Keep Choicy's rules (nothing loads into WR, theming and invasive tweaks disabled); keep Kernbypass (and kernbypassd service) enabled and Wild Rift as targeted app; use AppsManager to completely wipe WR's data (this is like, essential); uninstall Wild Rift, force-reboot or reboot device, re-jailbreak; reinstall WildRift from AppStore, create a new Riot account in Safari (not inside app); open Wild Rift, login to the new account, it should work now. You should pay attention to disable completely (not just for Wild Rift) in Choicy tweaks like SnowBoard, MilkyWay 2/3 (multitasking tweak), any theming tweak since they are invasive even if they don't load directly into apps, but the SpringBoard.
  12. Did you disable in choicy ALL tweaks from loading into WR? I'll try to resume all the steps real quick: 1) completely delete all WR data via AppsManager; 2) disable in choicy any tweak from loading into WR... this means that of course you should check if there are tweaks that could ignore rules set by Choicy or override them, NOTHING has to load into or touch Wild Rift: theming, UI and SpringBoard tweaks don't "touch" WR directly but could be detected. I've had plenty of friends get banned on CoD mobile since they used SnowBoard and such tweaks; 3) install kernbypass 0.0.5 from his repo, check that it has all required dependencies specified and set it up as described for GUI method; 4) completely uninstall WR; 5) force reboot to clear potential cache and "leftovers" and re-jaikbreak; 6) confirm that kernbypass is enabled and working; 7) now you can install WR 3.2 and play on a new Riot account (common sense, don't use Google or Apple accounts since they're saved in the os and leave traces); If you never use your previous accounts to play in this precarious setup, there's no reason for Riot to retroactively ban them: it's not like they're literal fascists. Choicy is a tweak that lets you manage which tweaks can or cannot load in said apps, way cleaner than using a bypass (unless it doesn't work, like this rare case). EDIT Please note that for the method i described in the previous post, of course you CANNOT load any tweak into WR... doing so will be seen by the client as an attempt to cheat and result in a 99.999% chance to get banned.
  13. It is with great pleasure that i would like to inform you all that kernbypass works for me. - ios 13.3, u0 4.3.1 - "kernbypass (unofficial)" 0.0.5 from Ichitaso's repo (https://cydia.ichitaso.com/) Don't know if all the steps are necessary, but i did as follows: - uninstalled any other bypass or tweak to configure injection, except for Kernbypass and Choicy; - disabled completely tweak injection for WR via Choicy; - enabled Kernbypass, selected WR as app and turned on "kernbypassd" service (GUI / Settings app method from tweak's description in his repo); - used Apps Manager to wipe WR's app data (please support TigiSoftware if you can for making the most useful app in the JB community, Filza); - rebooted, rejailbroke the device and did a respring via PowerSelector; - was greeted by a non-crashing Wild Rift 3.2 client. I CANNOT KNOW nor guarantee if this way your account won't be banned (use a throw-away one) since it's my first time ever using a bypass rather than just disabling offending tweaks via Choicy, so what i said before STILL STANDS: please, contact the devs en masse (whoever you are, reader) if you care about playing the game and explain why you think this isn't the right way to tackle cheating, as innocent and legitimate players will suffer the toll instead.
  14. Then Taurine gets blocked aswell in the next WR update and people have gone through all the work of restoring rootfs, changing jailbreak and reinstalling (part of, the compatible ones) the tweaks they had for nothing. There's been quite a number of users bricking their devices and losing all data thanks to Taurine so yeah, pick your poison i guess. The only effective way to fix this issue is either: - somebody taking their time to make a dedicated bypass patch / tweak for the app (like they did for Genshin); - making tickets en-masse to Riot showing our discomfort, along rooted Android users and those who couldn't download the game via PlayStore or Galaxy store or both. I've already done the latter, hope you guys will do that too: plenty of successful developers that don't block jailbroken users from using their apps for no tangible reason, like these morons at Riot (mobile division) just did with 3.2 update. EDIT Forgot to mention, while it lasts and updates aren't mandatory: you can roll back to previous app version (3.1b?) and disable any tweaks from loading into WR via Choicy, it will work... no idea about potential risks of ban, so just make a throw-away account.
  15. When updating CrashReporter gives the alert: "Missing filter file". It specifies "Without a filter file, your tweak will be loaded into *every* process controlled by launchd, not only apps but daemons as well. This can lead to crashing and other issues". Can you please check if anything can be done about that? it's not only related to last update, remember this happening a 1 month ago.
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