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    Destroying and mutilating iOS

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  1. Name of the game you want hacked: Toca Lab: Elements + Toca Lab: Plants Version of the game: 2.2.1 + 2.2 respectively iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/toca-lab-elements/id748057890 https://apps.apple.com/au/app/toca-lab-plants/id1225994089 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Non-jailbroken Requested Features: Pirated App
      • 1
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  2. I have quite the few, including the following: Minecraft Procreate Exploding Kittens And some exclusives, including Will Hero (Australia)
  3. Alright, makes sense. If you ever add it, DM me!
  4. Can I contribute the apps that I have on my own Apple ID? I have many paid apps and can share the encrypted IPAs with the service (grabbed with IPATool)
  5. Looks like I’m gonna start using Theos again, since this made my job wayyy easier, thanks Rook! Also, wen eta my cheater rank
  6. Any reuploads? Files were deleted
  7. Hey, I’m actually the developer of NovaHax, it will be on GitHub
  8. set response1 = "Yeah, I'd recommend making a fixed hack like what Laxus does" set response2 = "Epic, may I get in contact with you outside of iOSGods? A fresh set of eyes would help out, my Discord is LunarNova#4471"
  9. I'd recommend going into your save and changing this Go to the Data of Sasquatch then go to Documents/<saveslot>/sasquatch.stuff saveslot = default if slot1 saveslot = default2 if slot2 saveslot = default3 if slot3 go to the value "coins" and change the number to whatever, "ptkt" is arcade tickets, "bankcoin" is money in bank, there is also "cpm" for cellphone minutes, "lumber" is lumber (it's multiplied by 5 times the value tho, idk why) I'm releasing a save creator which can allow you to edit these values and many others, gotta make it first tho XD When it's released, go to github.com/WillXProject/NovaHax
  10. Hey Laxus, can you update Sneaky Sasquatch without hacks?

    I'm also making a save game hack, how can I see every item in the game?

  11. Submitting my first hack soon!

    Wait an hour give or take

    look at next post, I need help

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