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Everything posted by Laxus

  1. I'm using v7.0 should I upgrade to v7.0.1 on his repo anything new?
  2. @DiDA you drive so suck :troll:

    1. Rook


      It was the first time I played on Windows. ^_^



    2. Laxus


      Which pc are you using? It play so smooth~~

    3. Rook


      Core i5 brah B)

    4. Laxus


      how about the VGA -_-

    5. Rook


      Graphics card is shit :mellow: AMD 1GB quite old GPU. But it works on some latest games on medium settings xD

  3. What's this tool for? - Bypass anti Jailbreak protection Changelog: - Support iOS 8 and ARM64 devices (iPhone 5S / iPhone 6/ iPhone 6+/ iPad Air/ iPad Air 2/ iPad Mini 2/ iPad Mini 3) Download [Hidden Content] Credit: - Mr.N00neimp0rtant
  4. Features:Ads Removed Poker Mode Purchased Instruction:Download and extract You will see 3 folders: Documents, Library and tmp Put these 3 to /var/mobile/Applications/Bejeweled/ Choose Replace Enjoy Download: [Hidden Content] Credit: - Me (@Laxus)
  5. Features:Unlimited Coin Unlimited Ruby All Characters Unlocked All Gun Upgraded All Vehicles Unlocked All Gadgets Unlocked Instruction:Download and extract You will see Library folder after extracted Put the Library folder to : /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Applications/com.generamobile.ramboat/ Choose Replace Enjoy Download: [Hidden Content] Credit: - Me (@Laxus)
  6. Anyone know anything about Katana? I have a sword's code but I can't find it on the Internet

    1. Rook


      Why was I expecting some Super Mario stuff? :ermm:

    2. K3NNNY
    3. castix


      In my old childhood Digimon was my day and my night. Following Yugioh, Pokemon and other anime series


    4. Rook


      Digimon was my favorite! :happycry: I used to play Digimon World 3 on the Play Station one all day! Man that game was long! :happycry:

    5. K3NNNY


      My was pokemon and dbz

  7. My online time doesn't increase :mad: @DiDA is cheating :@

    1. Rook


      No, I'm not! :@


      It is 2d 21h 16m 16s right now. We'll We'll see how much it changes after a few hours. :mad:

  8. We're all need money and I got nothing to do I hacked it 2 months ago lol
  9. Updated version: Features: Instant Skill / Skill no Cooldown Instruction: Download my deb Put it into iFile Choose it and Press Installer Respring Open Settings.app and turn on the hack Enjoy Download: [Hidden Content] Credit: - Me (@@Laxus)
  10. Features:Unlimited Coin Unlimited Gold Instruction:Download and unzip You will see: Documents, Library and tmp folders Put these 3 to /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/com.pikpok.bbl/ Replace the old one Set 775 for each folder Respring Enjoy Download: [Hidden Content] Credit: - Me (@Laxus)
  11. Features:Unlimited EverythingInstruction:Download my deb Put it into iFile Choose it and Press Installer Respring TURN ON THE HACK IN SETTINGS Enjoy NOTE: Once you get unlimited, uninstall / turn off the tweak or your game will be f**ked up Download: [Hidden Content] Credit: - Me (@Laxus)
  12. You know how to rape GL but you don't know how to disanle ptrace o_O
  13. you should change your link...doodlejumdc @@
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