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  1. Hi Laxus, I have messaged to you over a week already.  I am completely out of commission on my Simcity Buildit hack.  The current hack you posted is not working.  All my accounts got ban as soon as level 10.  I can't join the legit groups.  It is totally useless.  Can you update this hack?  It is the non-jailed version of Simcity Buildit 1.55.5.  Thanks.

    1. Laxus


      Is the currencies freeze or give huge amount of value? How long you have been starting using the cheats. Jb or nonjb

    2. David Law

      David Law

      The currencies keeps on coming until the fully packed the wallet.  Same with the coins.  It keeps flowing in unlimited.  Supposedly the currencies and coins only flow when we have an exchange of goods or purchase something.  Instead, the currencies and coins just keep on coming for about 30 minutes until it id filled.  Anyway, I don't need to get the wallet filled to get banned.  As soon as 1 minute of currencies flow, I am banned from the game.  I am using the nonjb hack 1.55.5 that you have released over a week ago.  Thanks for looking into it.  I need the hacked accounts for supporting to my legit accounts.  Thanks.

    3. David Law

      David Law

      It keeps a huge amount of currencies and coins the same time.


    4. David Law

      David Law

      After installing this hack and running for a minute, my account will get banned.  Tried on 7 different instances and the same result.

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