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    Also have a iPad on iOS 13.7 jailbroken, iPhone 7+ on 14.2 jailbroken, a jailed iPhone 12 Pro Max, an iPhone 6+ on 12.4.1, 3 iPhone 6s+‘s running UO 12.1.2, Yalu102 and Pangu 9.3.3 jailbreaks, an iPhone 5 on iOS 8.4, an iPhone 4 on 7.1, jailbroken iPad on iOS 5.1.1 and orig iPhone on iOS 3 jailbreakme. Lately been mostly making SB tweaks, but still interested in looking under the hood of apps wth gdb, debugserver/lldb, and IDA. Always up for learning new things, and meeting new people.
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  1. My "Pirate repo" got banned, the one I had with all the freemium type hacks, and enhancements for moviebox and bobbymovie, as well as a few tweaks that didn't violate TOS. Guess I'll have to stop by here more often whenever I want to update a tweak I can't host anymore. My "beta" repo is still up tho, and that one has a lot more DL's anyway. Oh well it was fun being a n00b hax3r while it lasted. ?



    1. i0s_tweak3r


      Biggest annoyance is just that I need to make sure anything I shared on here has most current version for direct download links.  If anyone notices a thread of mine that perhaps doesn't have a DL link, or no longer works due to app being updated, let me know and I'll try to fix it in a (relatively) timely manner.

    2. Taylor Meyer

      Taylor Meyer

      i saw that your repo got banned when i went to it because i clicked on a package it said this repo has been banned who can ban the repos is it saurik 

    3. i0s_tweak3r


      the maker of the jailbreak could have the ability to ban a repo, but I can't recall ever seeing it happen, other then Electra removing saurik's repo, because of conflicting updates and packages.  Usually someone from the community will report a repo as a " pirate repo" if they have cracked tweaks that usually cost money, and when u add the source there's a warning tbat the repo has pirated packages that could be unsafe, and to use your moral compass not to DL paid tweaks for free. 

      This ban is because someone reported the repo to the host, yourepo, and since they own the domain they can ban any one they want that violates their TOS.

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