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    iPhone 6s
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    Galaxy S8
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    Saudi Arabia

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  1. Give it to me I hate the game cuz I’m bad at it and can’t get anything
  2. What about a Flex patch. Is it possible
  3. @Bleu can you tell me where it is. Found the value in filza but wanted to make sure where is it to test changing it
  4. Same happened to me when I used iGG Hope you manage to bypass syncing
  5. @DiDA any luck. Cant play anymore because every move requires energy
  6. Name of the game you want hacked: Murder in the Alps Version of the game: 2.0.1 iTunes Link for the app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/murder-in-the-alps/id965757356?mt=8 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Both Requested Features: Infinite energy
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