Hi @Rook I've sideloadly unc0ver on iOS 13.3.1 with apps this link https://unc0ver.dev got some error. here's the log
Sideloadly version 0.23.3, Darwin 10.14.6, amd64
Using IPA file: /Users/********/Downloads/unc0ver_Release_7.0.2.ipa: 58d0e535fb12153c87e95f83e82a316d
Checking iOS version...
iOS version 13.3.1, will mangle bundleID
Obtaining team ID
Using team "****** ***** ****" (Individual) with id **********
Making sure device ID **************************************** is registered
Device **************************************** is already registered
Checking private key
Looking up app ID
Using app ID "unc0ver" with id **********
FAILED: Call to afc_make_directory failed: AFC_E_PERM_DENIED
ERROR: Guru Meditation 2d2436@99:f11511 Call to afc_make_directory failed: AFC_E_PERM_DENIED
i've use iPhone SE first gen (iPhone 8,4). thanks