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  1. Click link for repo, repo is gone...this should be removed
  2. Don't use! You will get banned, trust me on that. I played, without cheat, got to level 24. Found this cheat, used it once, ONCE, when I upgraded my barn storage. It would have cost 48 cash but with cheat (obviously) it gave me 48 cash...pop up a few moments later, banned, all progress lost, had to start over. It only let me start over once I deleted the game, the mod, disabled gamecenter. The mod does work but you will get banned faster than you can say cheat!
  3. Yet another one that is garbage...nothing listed in Flex 2 cloud for Movie Box.
  4. Doesn't work...still have ads galore, no background downloading and the speed sucks. 2 thumbs down
  5. Well I went ahead and got rid of the jailbreak on my ipad...games i play are server sided,so it's not really worth it. I didn't have many tweaks and only one theme, so...back to normal...9.2

    1. NitroxicDemon
    2. Rook


      Jailbreak is getting boring :p

    3. beantownfan73


      Exactly Dida...i probably didn't use it to it's full potential but i'm just not into a lot of the stuff. I have an iPad and very little themes worked on it, even ones supposedly designed for iPads...lololol...

  6. The amount of people who say "thanks" in the comments of a hack without even knowing if it works is just ridiculous.

    1. tezaki


      hahahha man this is so right dida do something


    2. Rook


      Let's remove the hidden content all together?

    3. Sakswa
  7. Would love to see a hack made for this game. I've been trying for a while to create my own but I just cannot do it.
  8. Where can I learn some Android hacks?

    1. tezaki


      go and get lucky patcher

  9. Wouldn't ya know it...all the games I play are not hackable....pppffftttt

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zahir


      All the games u play have high security .:*

    3. beantownfan73


      Well lets see...gameloft crap, like Oregon Trail. Also Family Farm.

    4. beantownfan73


      I'm sure maybe it's possible using ms-hook but i haven't a clue how to it. I really suck at using IDA

    5. RunningHamster


      You should ask Shmoo for the game loft games. Apparently he's Jack the Ripper of gameloft

    6. beantownfan73
  10. Wrong place but just a note - I can't even get the Safari Uploader to work. Doesn't even show up as an option when I select upload from binary page.
  11. Just came over from a website that shut down...took my VIP money a month ago, and now......gone! Nice huh?! Anyway, happy to be here

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zzmorg82


      This site won't take your money. ;)

    3. beantownfan73
    4. Raggnar


      You don't even have to spend money. Up to you :)

      Enjoy your stay!

    5. MickySoFine


      Fudge that Website. Enjoy your stay.

    6. Goggwell


      Hey I know you!

      Enjoy your stay here at iG!

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